Tuesday, December 25, 2007

VIANOCE Stedry Vecer 2007 / Christmas

V kuchyni sme sa uz od "rana" snazili poctivo. Vrcholom snazenia bola napr. aj tato KAPUSTNICA (mnam mnam mnam)!This one - our Xtmas sour-kraut (do you say it like this in English??) soup. It turned out - PERFECTLYYY...

Na margo: kolaciky sa tiez vydarili, ALE mali slanu prichut - pri peceni sme zistili ze v irskom nielen masle ale aj muke (a aj v cukre??) je - sol???

Nalada bola cisto vianocna... A vecerat sme mohli uz o siestej!!! Asi takto vyzeral nas Stedrovecerny stol
. Pekny nie? This is our Xtmas table (bet you can tell) - looking almost as if we were at - home.

A takto vyzeral nas VIANOCNY STROMCEK... zatisie v obyvacke (s taniermi plnymi tych poslansich vianocnych kolacikov!!!) And this - our Xtmas "tree". Ready to celebrate...

A takto sme vecerali. A tesili sa a modlili a spominali - na nasich doma, na tych co nemaju, na tych co su daleko a tak. Ako treba. Here - we finally are ready to - EAT (lower level of being celebrating has got to be satisfied, too. As it is only in a healthy body that a healthy spirit, and soul, can abide... Well, more or less).

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