Monday, December 3, 2007

about my HAIR / o mojich vlasoch

Hello there! One of my friends asked me recently how long my hair was (or better, how NOT long it was), so - to "answer" that question, I decided to show her. Dear Andrea, this is how long my hair now is, and will keep on growing until - at least Christmas...
Ever since I returned from the USA, keeping a long hair, for me, is equivalent of a will excercise (power-game). Usually what one would do (many ladies, and me, for sure), woudl be cut my hair short when something important happened (could be anything from a break-up, to a simple "I had enough, this ciuffo is making me crazy!/ciuffo meaning my hair). BUT - since, usualy, my hair is short, will excercise, in my case, lies in - keeping it long, right?
Ergo - up till Christmas, this is what my hair is like.

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