So - as Christmas passed, I am back to being my "real" me -
got a hair cut last night and am back to being "less sexi and more aggressive" as once one of my friends said (well, what he said was that with longer hair I looked more sexi and less aggressive, from which I believe I can make that now, with short one, I am not it, but its opposite, hm?). Not sounding too good, but - that, I guess, is who and how I am. Lucia with short hair. I used to define it as free and careless. What others could think about it is their "problem" (via negativa) or "freedom" (via positiva).
All the future photos then will picture me just so.
And, I had a really weird dream last night.
And, I had a really weird dream last night.
Maybe things really are getting to move.
It would be sort of time... hmmm
Lucinka, tebe to svedčí tak i tak.
Vlasy ti zase narastú a môžeš uspokojiť prívržencov dlhých vlasov.
No to je v podstate pravda! Ale - mne je lepsie v kratkych aj tak, tak komu sa paci, fajn a komu sa nie - fajn aj tak!
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