Well, this one is to be a short one -
the news is (a news that is almost 2 months old, by the way), that I got a second hand violin, and am now to start playing it again.
Before that happens, however, violin will need a few "salvific" touches, amongst which the most urgent one is getting its bridge a bit lower, as now, with it being so tall, sstrings hurt my fingers, especially when I try to play some accords etc.
And then, I also will need a few partitures (or how they call them over here), and then - the MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL THINGS - will need to start practicing again!
With my mum coming and staying for Christmas, and with Christmas itself coming, there will be plenty of reasons why I should be able to play "smoothly" by the end of this month.
Let me do it then!
Ho ho ho hoooo, "here comes the -Lucia!" :-))
Toto tu je o tom, ze asi pred dvoma mesiacmi som si zaobstarala huslicky, ako inak - z druhej ruky, no a teraz by som sa mala pustit do - hrania.
Kobylka je ale trochy privysoka, tak ju musim nejako znizit, potom mi treba pozhanat nejake tie noty, no a potom (alebo este aj pred tymi notami - stupnice sa daju cvicit aj bez not), sa uz len do cvicenia pustiti musim a - budu Vianoce ake maju byt!
Drzte paluchy!!!
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