Tychto par vstupov je "skopirovanych" z ineho mojho akoby-bloogu (a mozno aj blogu mozno povedat - z Yahoo360), na ktorom som si uz nejaky cas odkladala veci a fotky, a ktory maju teraz vraj rusit, tak - ak by sa tak nahodou stalo, mam istotu ze to co som tam mala, sa "nestrati". Fajn!
These things started to be more "popular" round 2004, 2005, or so. That 's when I got on Yahoo360 Blog, and, occasionally, would put something down, but more than that - post some photographs on, so my friends and family could see what I was up to and what I was able to see. Now - I hear that yahoo360 should close down so the next few entries will be just "back-ups" of those posted on Yahoo360, in case what they say were true.
Lucinka, vybrala si si pekný skin na tomto blogu. Čierna je elegantná a biele písmenká na tmavom pozadí neťahajú tak oči a neoslepujú.
Píš, píš, píš - nech si ťa užijeme a nešetrí fotečkami :)
Papa - teta B.
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