To aby sa nestalo ze tato udalost bude zabudnuta - mala by som napisat nieco aj o tom ako sa to vsetko odohralo, ked som sa (nevravte ze ste prekvapeni. naozaj? a preco?) stala - d o k t o r k o u...
Rim, 22. marec 2007. 14:30. A co je to take vynimocne o tomto mieste a case? Hm, nic extra zvlastne co sa tyka casu - kazdy den ma svoju strnastu hodinu a tridsiatu minutu, no nie? Podobne je tomu s datumom - nema kazdy marec kazdeho jedneho roka svoj dvadsiatydruhy den? Tak potom mozno miesto? Hm, aj to by mohlo lej jednym z mnohych velmi nevynimocnych veci, hlavne potom pre vsetkych tych, ktori v Rime ziju... Tak - co potom teda? Tento konkretny datum a tento konkretny cas na tomto konkretnom mieste boli akymsi sposobom velmi vynimocne pre mna (a cely zbytom mojej rodiny), pretoze boli dnom, hodinou a miestom kedy a kde som to - vsetko skoncila!!! Obhajila som moju doktorsku zaverecnu pracu. Dizertacku. (nezneje to velmi dolezito? no sa stavim ze hej. Ved ono to aj bolo - dolezito znejuce! :-)) Obhajila som ju ako som len najlepsie mohla a vedela, a tak som sa stala "hodno" titulu "doktor teologie"! Za ktoreho ma deklaruju po tom, ako pracu publikujem (a - kedyze to bude, Lucia?) - moje druhorodene "dieta". Hm niekto ma dcery a synov, a niekto - ja som medzi nimi - ma - KNIZKY... (nezneje to trosku - smutno? Aaale -hadam ani nie...)
Rome, March 22, 2007. 14:30. What was so special about this time and place? Well, nothing too special abouth the time - as it happens every single day that we look at our watches, or clocks, and see - it is two thirty. Simillarly with the date - does not every year have its March 22nd? Ok. So maybe the place? Well, that, too, could be a very common thing, especially for those who live and die in Rome... However, this specific date and this specific time and place were somehow special to me, as those were the day and the hour, and the place, where and when I - finished it all!!! I discussed my doctorate dissertation (I see it sounds pretty important, does it?), defended it as well as I could and knew, and - became "worthy" of being a doctor in Theology. Which I will be declared once I have published my thesis. The second-born child of mine... Hm, some people have sons and daughters, some - me included (this far, who knows what the future brings?) - have... BOOKS... (is this sounding abit sad? I wander...).
I am happy about having "closed" this phase of my life. Now the "new life" has begun, and I am all excited about where it will bring me, where I shall end up living, working, doing things, loving, and dying in the end... Full of expectations. And hopes. In... what in? That is to remain kept in my heart for now, but, for a hint - cfr. the enry about Ireland, for example :-)
I shall try to download at least some pictures from this time in Rome, so that people can see what it looked like, and smile with me.
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