Monday, November 12, 2007

Today / Dnes

I am feeling down today - thoughts of past happennings, and of my un-ability to understand. So - it drags me down a bit. ANd then - it is quite cold around here, which does n ot help at all either... Hmmm :-(
And then I think of the future and of my in-ability to understand that, too, and that - surprise surprise - drags me down, too. Not very christian approach to it all, is it?

Len som hovorila ze som dnes akasi nanic - rozmyslam o tom co bolo a o tom preco bolo to co bolo, a je mi z toho smutno. Skola, zivot, rodina. A potom rozmyslam o tom co bude, a - tiez mi je z toho smutno. Clovek rozmysla, ale ako casto nevie pochopit. Divne, nie?
Asi nie velmi krestanske.
Hm, mozno to bude pocasim...

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