Wednesday, November 7, 2007

... the international women's day we used to call it then, when behind the iron curtain :-)

Stvrtok 8. marca 2007
Thursday 8 March 2007

tak sem len par slov v rodnej to reci - aby si to aj nasi doma mohli precitat, no ne?
dazdivy, temny den. podoba sa na to ako sa dnes citim. smutna (bez neho. alebo lepsie bez "nejakeho" neho?) a vinna - pre veci ktore sa stali, a hlupa - pre malickosti ktore zapricinili tie veci pre ktore sa citim vinna. clovek starne (alebo - dozrieva...) ale - znamena to ze mudrie? asi tak by to malo byt. hm - nie vzdy je to tak... sa mi vidi...
idem tu popisovat a opisovat (ak samozrejme vytrvam) cesty, cesticky a puticky na ktorych som medzi casom bola - dufajme!
akokolvek - vsetko najlepsie k MDZ (ked uz je dnes toho 8-ho marca!)
rainy, darkish day today. could i say it is the way i myself feel today? sort of... blue (without him; or without "a him"?) and guilty-feeling, for things that happened, and stupid-feeling, because of small things that led to things that are making me feel guilty. one grows older, but - does it mean one gets wiser? one would say so. but - one does not feel like that... well, i do not.
will try to write down a few things about a few travels i have made, literally and metaphorically, too (given i have the perseverance to do so, right? well, let's hope!)
however, greetings and luck-wishes to all women - it is our day today

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