this is to let you see what my "home" in Blackrock (Co. Dublin) looks like... - on the inside (I did not manage to take a picture of it from the out-side).
So - my little cottage.
The "Dal Riada Lodge".
The first one is the view of the kitchen, towards living/sitting room. Had plenty of truit there, had I?
A toto su fotky mojho dublinskeho "domova". Zatial vsak len zvnutra, lebo som sa este dost nepochlapila na to, aby som si chjdicku aj zvonku odfotila.
Takze - moja mala chajdicka - Dal Riada Lodge, to je fakticky jej meno. No, nezneje to vznesene? A na prvej fotke pohlad z kuchyne do obyvacky. S plnou misou ovocia. To len vtedy.
Now, this one is my living room. A day view of it. From the kitchen door. Small, with a fireplace (is about to be checked, and if all goes well - well, I will be able to fire it up... and to safe a few Euros :-)), two leather sofas, or how to call them, and a small tea table in the middle. Though it is only a small tea table, there is not much space left for moving around...
Toto je moja obyvacka. Denny pohlad (roleta hore...), od kuchynskych dveri. Taka mala, s krbikom (ak sa vsetko podari ako sa ma, hadam si v nom budem moct aj prikurit, hlavne teraz v zime. Aj euricka by som tak usetrit mohla!), a dvomi kozemymi sedackami. Medzi nimi stolik, ale hoci je maly, aj tak statocne medzi tymi sedackami zavadzia. Chudata pistaly...
Then, my "picture" board. Some of my photos, from Rome, from Killarney, from Beara, even one from New Zealand (but that one woudl NOT be mine, I just borrowed, form someone's blog page), and from Slovakia. Friends, places I liked, myself, my sis, special people, special occasions. Just a few (I have another picture board in my bed room, with more of home, friends, loves, etc.)
No a teraz moja nastenka - s fotkami rozneho charakteru - Rim, Killarney, Beara, domov (ten velky kosaty strom, to je nad Lipt. Revucami...), dokonca aj Novy Zeland (ale to nie je moja fotka, len pozicana z jedneho blogu), ludkovia, kamarati, pekne miesta, ja, Palka (moja sestrula), ludia viac aj menej doleziti, zvlastne prilezitosti (to akoze doktorat), a tak. V spalni mam dalsiu nastenku, s dalsimi obrazkami z domova, kamaratmi, atd.
So - what do you say?
Like my little irish "home"?
I sort of do.
Or better - learn to.
A to je nateraz vsetko.
Co vy na to?
Paci sa vam? Ten moj maly irsky "domov".
Mne sa - hm, aj hej. Zvykam si...
(Let's hope that fireplace of mine does work!)
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