Thursday, November 8, 2007

a bit of male looks now 2

Maminke sa bude asi toto pacit viacej - hlavne Milosko (maminka ho ma rada, a ved ja tiez!)

Tito dvaja chalani su moji spoluziaci zi Konzervatoria - teda, spoluziaci ako spouziaci - vlastne z mojho imatrikulacneho rocnika (t.j. ja som bola prvacka a oni boli tretiaci) a spolu sme sa kamaratili cele roky pocas konzervy.

Zlava - Robko Holota, hobojista, a nepokojna to umelecka dusa, a potom Milosko SLobodnik, giatarista a to veru nie len taky hocijaky ale SUPER gitarista (najlepsi na konzerve v rokoch ked som tam ja chodila). Tak - to su teda znamosti, co?
now these two lads are my male-friends of old - of as old as my high school years go, meaning - since 1980-ties (1988-1992). Both sharing in my musical curriculum, they were amongst those who introduced me to the world of Konzervatorium... them being in the 3rd and me being in the 1st year of musical studies.

From left to right - Robert Holota, a hoboe player, very nice man, of a gentle and artistic soul, and sort of restless and rebellious at the same time. I like him very much. A very good and loyal friend. Then Milos Slobodnik, a miraculous guitar player - the best there was in years when I went to music school. One who knows all sorts of unusual things, such as hights of our SLovak mountains (if not all of them then certainly of plenty of them), or of geological characteristics of parts of SLovakia, or of the best mobile providers in SK, etc... Very good soul, too. And - very tall, as well (round 1.90m, if not more!)

Nice friends, indeed!

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