Friday, November 16, 2007

MODA :-)

OK, tychto par foteciek je pre mati - ze nech teda vidis ako sa to tu "babusim" a nebabusim...
Podkolienky a stucnicky, potom nohavice, sukna. Potom tielko, tricko, rolacik (nastastie ten tenky od Benetton-u je zaroven aj vlneny, cize teply!!), a potom svetrisko a, ked som v praci, aj salisko - ved, ked uz, tak teda poriadne, no nie? Joj, ale foto z roboty sa mi tu tusim nestiahla... Hmmm... Nevadi, bude nabuduce, aj tak bola velmi, ale veeeeelmi tmava.
Co si si ale mohla vsimnut je - moj novy UCESisko :-))
Sa ti paci?
A vam ostatnym?
"No isto", ako na Liptove pekne hovoria...
Zatial ciao!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Jana, Jola, Lucia and - Donna (the dog/pes)

Ako sme sa na vylet vybrali - bez toho aby sme planovali, a napokon - aha ako bolo krasne (pocasie) a super (spolocnost)!! Stretli sme sa v telocvicni, Jola a ja, a hovorim jej ci sa nechce pridat ku mne a Janke, ze ideme na Muckross House. Ona ze - uvidi. A aj sa pridala. Aj so Donnou (psikom). Tak toto su nejake fotky z toho nasko neplanovaneho super vyletu.
Prva - Lucia (Colgate usmev) pri Muckross Hous-e, Killarney, Co. Kerry.
This one is from out trip to the Muckross House. We did not plan it, and we truly enjoyed it! Strange but very real "philosophy" - best things do happen when you don't plan on it...
So - the next are a few from that eautiful un-planned trip.
Lucia - Colgate smile, by the Muckross House, Killarney, Co. Kerry.
Tato tu je na cesticke od Muckross Hous-u na Torc-ov Vodopad. To je Janka (z Martina, Slovenka), a - no kto iny??? - ja. Nie sme mile? (A vobec by ste nepovedali ze mame obe nad 30, no nie?)
This one is on road form Muckross House to Torc Waterfall. Jana, from Slovakia (right) and - who else? Just me. Aren't we - cute?

Tato tu je uz takmer pri vodopade. Zlava Lucia, Jana, Donna (v skoku) a Jola. Jola je Polka, byva v Killarney uz 3 roky sa mi zda, vydata, zatial bez deticietk. Ale aj tie budu! :-)
This one is almost by the waterfall. From the left - myself, Jana, Donna (the doggie) and Jola. Jola is from Poland, lives in Killarney 3 years already, and is married. No kids yet, but that will happen, too (shall we hope it happens soon? :-))
Zprava - Jana a ja. Sediace to divozienky (OK, tak teda takmer divozienky) pri vodopade. Vodopad ako taky - NIC MOC, ale ak sa to vezme v celku, teda den, spolocnost a super prechadzka, tak - moze byt.
From the right - Jana and I. Torc Waterfall behind. Nothing too special, but if you take it all together - the day, the weather, and the company - great day!

Lucia - nie ako slniecko na hnoji, ale ako slniecko na machu. Pekna zelena, vsak?Tak som si tam trosku pocupela, ale nie velmi dlho, lebo, nuz tak ved viete, tie moje kosti nemladnu, presne tak ako ja, ale co? No predsa - starnu...
And one more time - me.
I like the green and the light. And Jana did a great job, considering she was using my camera (which does not like taking pictures like this one).
OK, liked our un-planned but great trip to the Torc Waterfall? I hope so!!

My Dublin "HOME" / moj dublinsky "domov"

this is to let you see what my "home" in Blackrock (Co. Dublin) looks like... - on the inside (I did not manage to take a picture of it from the out-side).
So - my little cottage.
The "Dal Riada Lodge".
The first one is the view of the kitchen, towards living/sitting room. Had plenty of truit there, had I?
A toto su fotky mojho dublinskeho "domova". Zatial vsak len zvnutra, lebo som sa este dost nepochlapila na to, aby som si chjdicku aj zvonku odfotila.
Takze - moja mala chajdicka - Dal Riada Lodge, to je fakticky jej meno. No, nezneje to vznesene? A na prvej fotke pohlad z kuchyne do obyvacky. S plnou misou ovocia. To len vtedy.

Now, this one is my living room. A day view of it. From the kitchen door. Small, with a fireplace (is about to be checked, and if all goes well - well, I will be able to fire it up... and to safe a few Euros :-)), two leather sofas, or how to call them, and a small tea table in the middle. Though it is only a small tea table, there is not much space left for moving around...
Toto je moja obyvacka. Denny pohlad (roleta hore...), od kuchynskych dveri. Taka mala, s krbikom (ak sa vsetko podari ako sa ma, hadam si v nom budem moct aj prikurit, hlavne teraz v zime. Aj euricka by som tak usetrit mohla!), a dvomi kozemymi sedackami. Medzi nimi stolik, ale hoci je maly, aj tak statocne medzi tymi sedackami zavadzia. Chudata pistaly...

Then, my "picture" board. Some of my photos, from Rome, from Killarney, from Beara, even one from New Zealand (but that one woudl NOT be mine, I just borrowed, form someone's blog page), and from Slovakia. Friends, places I liked, myself, my sis, special people, special occasions. Just a few (I have another picture board in my bed room, with more of home, friends, loves, etc.)
No a teraz moja nastenka - s fotkami rozneho charakteru - Rim, Killarney, Beara, domov (ten velky kosaty strom, to je nad Lipt. Revucami...), dokonca aj Novy Zeland (ale to nie je moja fotka, len pozicana z jedneho blogu), ludkovia, kamarati, pekne miesta, ja, Palka (moja sestrula), ludia viac aj menej doleziti, zvlastne prilezitosti (to akoze doktorat), a tak. V spalni mam dalsiu nastenku, s dalsimi obrazkami z domova, kamaratmi, atd.

And - that is all for now.
So - what do you say?
Like my little irish "home"?
I sort of do.
Or better - learn to.
A to je nateraz vsetko.
Co vy na to?
Paci sa vam? Ten moj maly irsky "domov".
Mne sa - hm, aj hej. Zvykam si...
(Let's hope that fireplace of mine does work!)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The GYM - posilnovna :-)

No jo, tak som sa konecne zapisala do posilnovne... Nie je to uplne na 100% (teda ten pocit ktory o tom celom ma, nie gym - ten je OK - bazen aj telocvicna a aj sauna a parny kupel atd.), ale - lepsie ako nic. A aj pomerne blizko. A aj velmi slusna cena, na to ze sme v Dubline!
Tak uz len zacat chodit.
V piatok mam taky "uvodny" posed - pochod - zistime ako na tom sm a tiez si vyberiem cviky co mi budu sediet - chrbatik ma uz zase zacina trapit, a aj krize, a cela sa krivim, teda - sa tesim. No, ale uz aj dnes by som chcela skocit, pomalicky sa do toho cvicenia pustit. DUfam ze to dopadne dobre!
Drzte palce!

It's just that I finally found (and payed for) my new gym membership. Ouuppsss - not a gym, but - CLUB. A "5 stars" club, imagine. Let's hope it works well. The good thing about it is that it's got a swimming pool AND the gym (plus sauna and steam room etc.), and that it is relatively close and not too expensive. The "bad" thing about it is that I do not like it 100% - the atmosphere as such (a bit too dark for my "gusto"), but it may well be only because it is all new, so - let's just see.
Friday, 5pm, assessment. Gonna find out how "fit" I am. Hmmmm....

Monday, November 12, 2007

Today / Dnes

I am feeling down today - thoughts of past happennings, and of my un-ability to understand. So - it drags me down a bit. ANd then - it is quite cold around here, which does n ot help at all either... Hmmm :-(
And then I think of the future and of my in-ability to understand that, too, and that - surprise surprise - drags me down, too. Not very christian approach to it all, is it?

Len som hovorila ze som dnes akasi nanic - rozmyslam o tom co bolo a o tom preco bolo to co bolo, a je mi z toho smutno. Skola, zivot, rodina. A potom rozmyslam o tom co bude, a - tiez mi je z toho smutno. Clovek rozmysla, ale ako casto nevie pochopit. Divne, nie?
Asi nie velmi krestanske.
Hm, mozno to bude pocasim...

Thursday, November 8, 2007

a bit of male looks now 3 - different "kind"

No a toto su moji kamarati - knazi. Z rozlicnych obdobi mojich studi v Rime.

Na vrchnom obrazku - Danie Granada, knaz zo Spanielska - Zaragoza, Aragonsko (ak sa nemylim), velmi velky srandista, velmi velky Spaniel, velmi rychlo rozpravajuci, a s velmi velkym a dobrym srdcom. Spociatku sa mi moc nepozdaval, v zmysle -zdal sa mi od ludi bociaci a viac rezervovany, ale - to bolo len pociatocne zdanie. Snad rezervovany, to hej, ale len kym ho clovek nespozna. Potom ako kus chleba, aj zivot by za cloveka dal. Knaz s velkym "K".
Tito dvaja su zvysne dve casti nasej studentskej "Svatej Trojice" - to sme ju tvorili Tom (na lavo odo mna), Tony (na pravo odo mna) no a ja (v strede, pre tych ktorym by to snad nebolo jasne!) CO sa tyka Otca a Syna, to nebool az tak jasne rozdelene, avsak co sa tykalo DUcha Svateho, tym som bola ja. Akoze "Dieta", plod, alebo ako inak to objasnit. Stretli sme sa uz na Gregoriane, ale az na Institute Jana Pavla II sme sa stali "spoluziakmi", teda - chodili sme do tej istej nie len skoly ale aj treidy (lebo prvy aj druhy rocnik mali vyucovanie spolu). Nezabudnutelne zazitky, a nezabudnutelni priatelia. Bratia. Otcovia. Vynimocni knazi - obaja. Hmmm...

a bit of male looks now 2

Maminke sa bude asi toto pacit viacej - hlavne Milosko (maminka ho ma rada, a ved ja tiez!)

Tito dvaja chalani su moji spoluziaci zi Konzervatoria - teda, spoluziaci ako spouziaci - vlastne z mojho imatrikulacneho rocnika (t.j. ja som bola prvacka a oni boli tretiaci) a spolu sme sa kamaratili cele roky pocas konzervy.

Zlava - Robko Holota, hobojista, a nepokojna to umelecka dusa, a potom Milosko SLobodnik, giatarista a to veru nie len taky hocijaky ale SUPER gitarista (najlepsi na konzerve v rokoch ked som tam ja chodila). Tak - to su teda znamosti, co?
now these two lads are my male-friends of old - of as old as my high school years go, meaning - since 1980-ties (1988-1992). Both sharing in my musical curriculum, they were amongst those who introduced me to the world of Konzervatorium... them being in the 3rd and me being in the 1st year of musical studies.

From left to right - Robert Holota, a hoboe player, very nice man, of a gentle and artistic soul, and sort of restless and rebellious at the same time. I like him very much. A very good and loyal friend. Then Milos Slobodnik, a miraculous guitar player - the best there was in years when I went to music school. One who knows all sorts of unusual things, such as hights of our SLovak mountains (if not all of them then certainly of plenty of them), or of geological characteristics of parts of SLovakia, or of the best mobile providers in SK, etc... Very good soul, too. And - very tall, as well (round 1.90m, if not more!)

Nice friends, indeed!

a bit of male-looks now / teraz nejake chlapske tvare

maminke sa toto asi pacit nebude, ale tato fotecka nebude jedina medzi "chlapskymi" tvarami - teda aspon dufam - lebo by som mala mat vo fotkach viacero kamaratov, ktorych by som sem mohla nalepit - nech to nie je vsetko len o mne. no a potom - by som tam este mohla nalepit - TAPKU :-)))
Thought it could be nice to "change" objects, or better - subjects - and have a few male faces on this one, too. Will be some of my male-friends, hope none of them minds :-) - (in case you do, let me know, guys)
Stephen R., an Englishman, a - friend of mine ("once upon a time, in a west" - or how do they say it?). This photo was taken in Venice, sometime in November 2004. I do like it. Do you?
"How are you doing, Stephen?"
(oct 09, 2008 - picture deleted)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tychto par vstupov je "skopirovanych" z ineho mojho akoby-bloogu (a mozno aj blogu mozno povedat - z Yahoo360), na ktorom som si uz nejaky cas odkladala veci a fotky, a ktory maju teraz vraj rusit, tak - ak by sa tak nahodou stalo, mam istotu ze to co som tam mala, sa "nestrati". Fajn!
These things started to be more "popular" round 2004, 2005, or so. That 's when I got on Yahoo360 Blog, and, occasionally, would put something down, but more than that - post some photographs on, so my friends and family could see what I was up to and what I was able to see. Now - I hear that yahoo360 should close down so the next few entries will be just "back-ups" of those posted on Yahoo360, in case what they say were true.

... the international women's day we used to call it then, when behind the iron curtain :-)

Stvrtok 8. marca 2007
Thursday 8 March 2007

tak sem len par slov v rodnej to reci - aby si to aj nasi doma mohli precitat, no ne?
dazdivy, temny den. podoba sa na to ako sa dnes citim. smutna (bez neho. alebo lepsie bez "nejakeho" neho?) a vinna - pre veci ktore sa stali, a hlupa - pre malickosti ktore zapricinili tie veci pre ktore sa citim vinna. clovek starne (alebo - dozrieva...) ale - znamena to ze mudrie? asi tak by to malo byt. hm - nie vzdy je to tak... sa mi vidi...
idem tu popisovat a opisovat (ak samozrejme vytrvam) cesty, cesticky a puticky na ktorych som medzi casom bola - dufajme!
akokolvek - vsetko najlepsie k MDZ (ked uz je dnes toho 8-ho marca!)
rainy, darkish day today. could i say it is the way i myself feel today? sort of... blue (without him; or without "a him"?) and guilty-feeling, for things that happened, and stupid-feeling, because of small things that led to things that are making me feel guilty. one grows older, but - does it mean one gets wiser? one would say so. but - one does not feel like that... well, i do not.
will try to write down a few things about a few travels i have made, literally and metaphorically, too (given i have the perseverance to do so, right? well, let's hope!)
however, greetings and luck-wishes to all women - it is our day today

Do YOU believe in God?

Stvrtok 8. marca 2007
Thursday 8 March 2007 -

akuratne som sa vratila z Anglicka. Byvala som u kamarata. Casto sme sa rozpravali o Bohu a o nabozenstve. Ja v Boha verim. On - nie... Ale dovodom, pre ktore neveri, nie celkom dobre rozumiem... Hovori ze nabozenstvo, a viera v Boha (alebo boha) nedokazu rozsvietit ziarovky... Ja na to hovorim, ze je to uplne v poriadku. Ved podstatou nabozensta nie je aby sa rozsvecovali ziarovky. Taka odpoved ho vsak neuspokojuje. On veri vo - VEDU. "Len preto, lebo chces aby to bola pravda to este pravda namusi byt" hovori. On "veri" vo poznanie, nie vo vieru...
Rozmyslala som, ze dokonca aj sposob akym ich - (u)verenie a/alebo poznanie - slovne vyjadrujeme a definujeme vyjadruje ze jedno nie je to co je to druhe, verit nie je to iste co poznat (alebo lepsie, vediet). Ze teda ide o dve rozlicne "reality". Hovorim "reality" a tym mam na mysli ze su obe skutocne a zakusitelne. Tak ako to ze pre neho je jedna z tycho skutocnosti niecim a nejako menej ako ta druha - preco jednu vyvysuje nad druhu? "Buhhh", ako tak velmi vyrecne hovoria Taliani...:-)
Ideme sa teda bavit o rozdieloch medzi vierou a vedou? Medzi poznanim viery a poznanim vedy? Medzi "verime" a "viem"? Ja si myslim ze mozu spokojen spolu nazivat jedna vedla druhej, lebo su obe dvomi rozlicnymi sposobmi poznania. Rozlicnymi, to ano, ale napriek tomu skutocnymi a pravdivymi. Pracujucimi s rozlicnymi datami.
A ty si co myslis?
just returned from a trip to England. Stayed with a friend of mine. We talked of God and religion often. I myself do believe in God. He does not... And the reasons he gives for not believing I can't undrstand too well indeed... He says religion and a belief in God (or god) do not turn the light bulbs on... I say it's perfectly ok, as turning the light bulbs on is not a religion's purpose. He seems to not be satisfied by such answer. He believes in - science he says. "Just because you want it to be true does not mean it is true" he says... He "believes" in knowing, not believing...
I thought though that even the way we verbally define them, one as "knowing" and the other as "believing" does show that, in fact, they are not the same. That therefore they are two different realities. I say "realities", meaning they're both real and experienceable. Why though he belittles, or thinks less, of just one of them? "Buhhh", as the Italians like to say... :-)
Shall we dispute about the difference between the faith and the science now? I do think the two can peacefully "exist" together, and I think they both are kinds of a way of knowing. Different ones, yes, but both real and true. Just taking for basis different kind of data.

What do you say?

ENGLAND - & i will never be the same again :-)

Piatok 9 Marca 2007
Friday 9 March 2007

toto tu je o mojom pobyte v Anglicku - od 16 Januara do 5 Marca 2007. Je to dost dlhe a preto to nebudem vsetko prekladat do Slovenciny - moji doma vedia o com to bolo a ti ostsatni - nech si to pekne precitju po Anglicky (v ramci podrastania v znalosti cudzieho jazyka! :-) OK?

i found this country quite friendly. there were for sure no "cultural shocks" to be faced (as there were when i got to the usa a few years ago), except maybe the fact that the cars drive in a different lane, and one has got to look right first and only then left... that had sort of troubed me in the beginning, but, hey, we are people, we learn things fast, so, really, after a while right and left was not a problem anymore...

quite rainy. which is normal, given that it were - winter :-) actually, as a matter of fact, there was supposed to be some snow i hear, but - where in the world is there snow during a winter anymore (i mean which places where there used to be snow during a winter still get it... "global warming"? maybe"? probably)?

i flew from bratislava to frankfurt later in the evening on january 15th. got to frankfurt just before midnight. slept in the airport and then, in the morning, caught the plane to dublin (just after 10 am). then sat in the dublin airport for 4 more hours, then checked in for another - my last - flight. destination: doncaster (robin hood airport. nice name, is it? :-)) our flight was early. people i was meeting in the airport were a bit late, but - we managed to meet ok. they were my friend´s parents, nice couple, and very english, too. drove over to their place, had a cup of tea, and then drove to my friend's place, where he was expecting us already. his name was stephen. i did not see much of country really that first evening, but - hey - i had many more days to explore it, or if not, then at least to - see it (while walking around, running arronds).

my first week went ok. i "made friends" with surroundings. dared to go out, went to the library (to check opening hours), went down hill to town, went to tourist information office, to job centre, to bus station, just so, downtown. oh, so that you know what part of englandi am speaking about, it was in huddersfield, west yorkshire. mild, nice, hilly countryside around, and town itself (said to be the biggest one in the uk - hm, if that is what the "biggest" means, then their towns are quite small, i recon) very neat, clean and friendly. and, a thing i already noticed when visited london, very intercultural. which is ok. a big thing - i got a new sim card! so now i was able to - call... big time! i also learnt how to go grocery shopping. it may sound silly, "learn how to go grocery shopping", but it is actually quite a big deed, to go go the shop, for the first time, and to buy much for not too much... a nice little shop they had there, and quite well "equipped" (can't think of a better word, though i am sure there is one better! sorry - english is not my mother language :-)) the weather was ok. i mean a bit of sun, and a bit of wind, and a quite a big bit of - rain, rain, rain... well, we werein england, right?

the first week went by, i did things i had to do, got more familiar with the place, got used to the library system - which i say is very nice, and i am surprised on how many people actually do use the library every single day. people over home do not do that. or - could it be that i actually do not know if they do it back home? did not spend much time back home... hm... ok, let's say i like theid public libraries' system and that's it. thuesday my second week i went on a little adventure - went to halifax. wooow. i had a meeting there, in a small village close to halifax. the bus ride was plesant. the country around nice, too. it happened to be a nice and sunny afternoon, so i could enjoy the sunshine and its play with those 3, or 4 or 5 or more types of green of land around and of blue and light blue and clouds blue of sky. stoney homes, roofs, gred and white and blue home doors, and a bright air and just perfect light... felt happy-melancholic-fresh. and, exciting, too, as i was there for my own purposes which, i thought, could turn out to be very embarassing. which they did not. thanks God! i, instead, got to meet a very nice girl, a friend of a friend of mine, and i had a god time. and - i got a car ride back home, which felt really good. lorraine (which is her name) was nice. and a red hair. :-)

did i have "special events" happened to me over there? not really. i recall going to Mass on Ash wednesday. it was in leeds. february 21st. i had to go to job centre, too, to get my national insurance number. i remember i had a really bad headache that morning, and felt really really sick when got off the train, but then, while wainting to be seen for the ninumber, it went away. thanx God, as i felt quite... sick. yuk... and the mass then, yes. managed to go tho confession, which was good, as i wasnt in weeks, though i planned on it for awhile. ten th Mass went ok, it was interesting to see what the english are like during such ceremony - i mean the ashes etc. this is actually quite an experience - one travels the world, and the liturgy is the same all over, and yet - it is not. it is like watching people anywhere else - in the airport, or train station, or when in a park, so even in the church, when in a new country, it is interesting, always the same and yet always so different... made me feel at home and alone at the same time. wished i could be there with someone. and thought of my people back home.

the other "out of ordinary" thing was my trip to york. it was nice of stephen to suggest it. too bad we did not manage to go to more places, he would have wanted to go hiking, i bet, but - for that i did not have good equipment. however, the york day went all right. we did not make it to the early train, but, actually, i see it as a good thing, as in york there is not much to do really,once you get there... well, maybe one could walk the city walls, fine, but - with the weather we had on that day i believe th time we spent there was just about right. there was an interesting "intermezzo" to the trip, right in the morning (well, morning - right in the beginning, which could have been round 10 am :-)), and it was that the train that we were supposed to get on was late - delayed by something over an hour... fine... "pazienza" as the italians say... i started to think that instead of york we will explore huddersfield maybe?? but - it all went wel in the end and we did manage to arrive york, i witnessed, while in york, something that i believed to be anglican sunday service in york minster (by the way, did you know that emperor constantine got crowned cesar of the roman empire in york in 306 a.d.? i did not... wow). BUT - it was not. it was a ceremony in memory of 200 (i believe) years of annulled slavery... we were standing in the back of the church, behind a huge column, not seeing anything, for something like 2 hours... not seeing, not understanding, i wanted to leave. stephen, however, did not, so we just stayed until the - end... and got rewarded by walking around minster, which was worth waiting... beautiful gothic cathedral, like those in spain, like in toledo for example, but bigger and taller. i liked the chorus part in the middle of it. so middle-ages-like. with its atmsphere. and making me feel overwhelmend. and so small, and amazed. and grateful. i do not think, and this place, like many others prove it to me, that a man is just an animal... so the york day went very well, after all, and despite the late wake up, delayed train, missed Mass, and mistaken sunday service, and a few sad moments. the only thing i regret is that i did not take more pictures. so i could remember. hm, that though does depend on the mood and also th epeople that are with you when you travel. so this will mean that neither my mood, nor my company were in state of taking evidence of this - the only one - trip. wil do better the next time, right? ...

i do do like country site in england. or more precisely, yorkshire country site. there have got to be so many plaes to go to, to hike around, to see and to feel and smell. it is like one gets the feeling he (or she) could walk around forever. even those rainy days have something to them - atmosphere, melancholic and yearning - for - what for? a warm, cosy home. quiet, long walks. alone or in good company. where one does not have to say anything but understands everything that has not been said. i think souls can speak so loudly in those moments. it would have been nice to be able to have spoken to someone's soul. maybe i, at least, have spoken to that of mine...


IRELAND hee haa

So there is another country I have been given the opportunity, or someone (like me, for example) could say "been blessed with" visiting (does this snetence make sense at all??? huh)
IRELAND, the green island, the island of thousand shades of green, the... my home land presently :-)

Landed in Kerry airport a week ago. This landing followed a night spent at Frankfurt am Hahn airport in Germany... Nothing too exciting, as those night stay-overs are not exactly all that good, BUT, this one was different as I actually have gotten into speaking with a young portuguese man, called Miguel, of age of 19, travelling from Porto to Wroclaw (Poland) to meet his girl-friend, who is studying there (a Socrates-Erasmus student, you know). A nice young man, quite sensible for his age (or is it just me who is not all that much acustomed to youngsters thinking the way I, when their age, di dnot? Hm. I recall a friend of mine, when talking about his ex-girl-friend, who was just 23, as about "quite sensible for her age"... made me feel both - old and stupid... ). However, the night spent with this Miguel guy went by quickly. I got to know how beautiful Portugal is supposed to be, that their cousine is the best in the whole world, that their nature is fabulous and incredibly beautiful, that... all sorts of things... I do believe that the next country, or at least one among those that I want to visit inthe future, will be Portugal... It could be good to invest in property over there, too... Hm.

So as I said, I spent the night in Germany, and after having waited for 10 hours for my flight to Ireland (oh, by the way, Miguel had to wait for his for no less than 18 hours... gratious goodnes, that I call a lot!!!). The flight went ok, I actually managed to hop on a bus from the Kerry airport to Killarney, where I was awaited for by my friend Zuzu, and where I am staying.

Then the job hunting has begun. Oh, as I did not say that yet, yes, looking for a job is the reason why I am being in Ireland these days. I wish it were a more poetic reasons, or at leas some more romantic ones, but - for now - it is just job. For those of you who do not know, I happened to terminate my long-years' studies in Rome, Italy, just about 2 weeks ago (if you want, ask me about the subject), and, given that it isn't easy to find job in that area, I must try my best in something else. Tourism could be one. Or maybe a corporate world? Hm, will see. For now, I am to announce you that I have successfully passed the examination by 2 most important managers of a well-known hotel here in Killarney, and shall start up my career as a - receptionist. The next Tuesday (right after the bank holiday... yeap). WIll see how that one goes, shall we?
In thm ean time, I am enjoying a beautiful spring weather and sunny days, and a house-hunting, too, as my friends, two sisters who had agreed to have me, are trying to change their very humid and dark and mold-full appartment for something more human-like, sunny, warm, with a fire-place, and with th garden, and with the oil heating, and at least 3 bedrooms (but 4 would be better), and... what else? Ah, something that would not cost too much... "Insomma", as the Italians say, heaven on earth... No, quite seriously, we are lookign for a new house or appartment, and so are quite busy these days and also quite stressed out...

The other thing I have been doing is - going to the local churches. It is a Holy Week, so, together with my interest for th elocal - irish spirituality assessing, I, too, have the opportunity to see how religious (or un-religious) this ancient christian country is, or has become. Hmm, thought it would be better, but - hey, it also could be worse, so... Today there was a nice Good Friday ceremony. I did enjoy it quite a lot. I also got into feeling quite home- and love-sick, but... that's another story...

And what happens next?

A friend of mine (or shall I call him a "boy-friend"?) likes to aks me that question. I though do not have all the answers. Yet. Let us see then, shall we?
[to be continued]

Doctor Sacrae Theologiae

To aby sa nestalo ze tato udalost bude zabudnuta - mala by som napisat nieco aj o tom ako sa to vsetko odohralo, ked som sa (nevravte ze ste prekvapeni. naozaj? a preco?) stala - d o k t o r k o u...

Rim, 22. marec 2007. 14:30. A co je to take vynimocne o tomto mieste a case? Hm, nic extra zvlastne co sa tyka casu - kazdy den ma svoju strnastu hodinu a tridsiatu minutu, no nie? Podobne je tomu s datumom - nema kazdy marec kazdeho jedneho roka svoj dvadsiatydruhy den? Tak potom mozno miesto? Hm, aj to by mohlo lej jednym z mnohych velmi nevynimocnych veci, hlavne potom pre vsetkych tych, ktori v Rime ziju... Tak - co potom teda? Tento konkretny datum a tento konkretny cas na tomto konkretnom mieste boli akymsi sposobom velmi vynimocne pre mna (a cely zbytom mojej rodiny), pretoze boli dnom, hodinou a miestom kedy a kde som to - vsetko skoncila!!! Obhajila som moju doktorsku zaverecnu pracu. Dizertacku. (nezneje to velmi dolezito? no sa stavim ze hej. Ved ono to aj bolo - dolezito znejuce! :-)) Obhajila som ju ako som len najlepsie mohla a vedela, a tak som sa stala "hodno" titulu "doktor teologie"! Za ktoreho ma deklaruju po tom, ako pracu publikujem (a - kedyze to bude, Lucia?) - moje druhorodene "dieta". Hm niekto ma dcery a synov, a niekto - ja som medzi nimi - ma - KNIZKY... (nezneje to trosku - smutno? Aaale -hadam ani nie...)

AND - so that it does not go un-noticed - I also should write something about this great event of my life, when I (being surprised? why?) became a doctor...

Rome, March 22, 2007. 14:30. What was so special about this time and place? Well, nothing too special abouth the time - as it happens every single day that we look at our watches, or clocks, and see - it is two thirty. Simillarly with the date - does not every year have its March 22nd? Ok. So maybe the place? Well, that, too, could be a very common thing, especially for those who live and die in Rome... However, this specific date and this specific time and place were somehow special to me, as those were the day and the hour, and the place, where and when I - finished it all!!! I discussed my doctorate dissertation (I see it sounds pretty important, does it?), defended it as well as I could and knew, and - became "worthy" of being a doctor in Theology. Which I will be declared once I have published my thesis. The second-born child of mine... Hm, some people have sons and daughters, some - me included (this far, who knows what the future brings?) - have... BOOKS... (is this sounding abit sad? I wander...).

I am happy about having "closed" this phase of my life. Now the "new life" has begun, and I am all excited about where it will bring me, where I shall end up living, working, doing things, loving, and dying in the end... Full of expectations. And hopes. In... what in? That is to remain kept in my heart for now, but, for a hint - cfr. the enry about Ireland, for example :-)
I shall try to download at least some pictures from this time in Rome, so that people can see what it looked like, and smile with me.

Dublin :-(

this one will not be be too long, as i did not realy like dublin...
or fortunately?

went on to my trip, to meet with my friends´ friends. it all started a bit - hm, how to call it - not exactly as planned. woke up at 4:45 in the morning, to make sure i don´t miss the bus that was to leave at 6:15. took a shower, got dressed, ate something light, controlled my luggage, all in tune of this nice classical music on-line station i listen to lately. left home at about 5:55, thinking it will be better to get there early... the morning was sooooo nice..... quiet. the birds were just starting to sing their songs, no people around, al was still and clear, and stil dark. it is not too easy to wake up in the morning, but once you manage to do it, it is worth it..... so walked to the bus station, to which i got at 6:05. ok, thought to myslef, will wait 10 mins. i saw another person waitingthere already, so i thought, ok, the bus will be surely leaving..... yeah, keep dreaming (and hoping).....

at about 6:35 i decided to ask the other person if she, too, was waiting for the bus to dublin. her answer was - NO. she was waiting for the bus to cork. and so were two ather people who just arrived. oh my, and i found out that the bus that was supposed to leave 15 mins after 6 was actually scheduled on "Mondays only".... could someone tell me though why do they post different info on the website? probably to help local taxi drivers to make some money?!?!?!?!
got on the bus to cork. i knew i wouldnt make it to the meeting at 2pm, but, hey, i woke up and was about to go to dublin, so... let me try at least. the cost of return ticket was 36,60, which was better than i expected.

in cork - more than hour before the bus to dublin would be leaving. went to check if the train wouldnt do, but, after having found out that there the fare was 61, i decided to stick with the plan B, and to travel to dublin by bus. it was supposed to get me there after 2. and it did. so at last i was there, in th capital of ireland, and i did not feel like it.

after wonderring around for a while, looking for the 46A bus stop, i got on it and drove to blackrock or so..... i arrived to the meeting at nearly 4pm, so it was almost over really, but i believe i got the best of it - the final wrap-up (do they say it this way over here? hmmm). and then we had a mass (it was a nice one, not too long, but quite deep. what does make the difference? it is the experience... of God, of love, of grace... and it is those things, love, joy, mercy, that should witness about who we are, and not as much our words and judgements... i have thought of people i know, and thought yes, that is the way to "talk" to them...), and then i sat in the capel for a bit longer, until i got cold and went out looking for something hot to drink. Then i spoke with the priest, about the place, and the work that is being done there, and that is needed to be done over there a bit later on this year, and about th ework that is about to get started.... and then i met lourdes (a spanish girl, 25, from barcelona, a journalist) and we went where i was to sleep that night.

the place was great. new, modern, warm, clean, and so were the girls. two spanish ones, and one australian. what a nice household. and what a good company. we ate well, we spoke about the usual things - boyfriends and our stories, and i were talked into holding on to trying and into not giving up. not just yet... hm, will see... and then we all went to sleep, to be ready in the morning - all of us for the mass (were supposed to go downtown for the mass at 11:30), and the two spanish for their sunday lunch...

went to the mass on sunday. FINALLY something that sounded and looked like a mass.... sung, with the church full of peolpe, and of people who actually were at least a bit smilling and happy-looking. the music was truly great. and made me feel - happy. and at home.
afterwards - we greeted and i went off. towards the o´connell street and the bus station. i managed to walk around downtown for awhile, but must say i got disappointed. the city looked so dirty and so dull and so - sad and fallen... the people all around the place, running somewhere, and looking lost and - not carying about anything. very anonymous looking and feeling, so as to make me feel blue and lost myself. hm, how SAD.... was this really dublin?

the bus ride back home took me 6 hours. 4 to cork, and then, right away, bus to killarney. the journey was long, but i managed to sleep most of th etime, and i also read - this perfect book i got, about values and us, human beings, and our acting. i also thought of my life, and about my "man", and about the ireland and england an dabout how i liked england better than ireland, but as we were aproaching killarney then, i got to feel better, though th weather got worse. those vaste green and grey spaces and sheep and cows, and just the nature and the sky with no sun but tons of clouds with so many sades of white and grey and dark blue - made me feel happily-melancholic. as if i were returnig home. i DO do prefer the country to big cities...
and so, by 8pm i was home. well, at that place that i call home now. made some fire, thought some thoughts, and went to bed.

and that is is.

PS. unfortunately (or maybe not even so), i do not have any pictures from this stay of mine. maybe the next time, if there is one...

england again

Here we go again - after a shorter pause... Just wanted to say that I have been on the road again, though only for a few days, something like a week ago or so (well, actually, yes, a week ago, I am thinking, last Monday, around this time I was fixing dinner for a friend of mine and myself at his lovely cottage place up in Huddersfield, and we ate a looooot... :-)

Two were the reasons why I had to go over.
One more "official" (and sort of boring, too), i.e., I had to either close down or downgrade my NatWest bank account, as I didn't find it wise to keep and pay for one if I am not in the country, making nice ££, correct? (so that you know, I did not close it, but only just downgraded it, for now... 'cause - you know, you never know...)
The other reason was a bit more personal, but also a bit more "unpleasant" (and I will not write about that one, as this is a page about my travels and pilgrimages etc., and not about my personal life, is it?).

the trip served its purpose, and I am back in Ireland again, enjoying sunny days (and a bit of rainy and cool days as well), and planning y next trip already. Next destination - LONDON :-) And entitled "Lucia's travel to London, a place where her sister's husband-to-be lives", or something like that :-) When about? Well, from June the 28th (which happens to be aThursday) to July the 3rd (which happens to be a Tuesday) - meaning, nice little "holiday", will it be?

Wish me luck, I plan on spending my time in London in museus, galleries (do they have any over there??? kidding...), in charity shops and - maybe in search for a --- jobbb???

Ciaooooo :-)

just a quick HELLO

Nothing really - just wanted to say hello and that I am well. Felt sick last Friday - started all so unexpectedly, @ 1:30 in the morning, with a strong head ache, and a usual bathroom visit - which ended with... several "tossing-of-my-cookies", by... hmmm... 5:30 in the morning? And really really ended at about 7 pm on Saturday night... However, I was NOT the only one to suffer these strangenesses, as Monika and Radim, too, had their share, and a lot of other people around Killarney, too...
Weather - not too good... Cloudy and rainy for the last week or so. Today - first sunny morning in days. And I had to go to work... But, got my washing going, hopefuly I cn dry it up once back home - tonight??
Work? I am enjoying myslef. Learned a lot already, and keep learning. Everyday is different, and - unique. Stephen would say that by saying "unique" I must mean it is bad, but what I mean is "unique", like - "special", "irrepetible", "sui generis". Speaking of Stephen... no good. I hate to say it but--- hm, better notsay anything. Men are so - complicated. Anyway...
Going to work soon (in a half-an-hour), so just - bye, and - hang in there!
More pictures? Will be. Dunno when but - keep hoping!

Friday the 13th - I am in Dublin again

Sat in the living room of my spanish friend Lourdes' (who, by the way, is having a dinner tonight downtown) flat, in Dublin - Blackrock. Finished writing an e-mail to my mum, and thought I woudl say hello and share a few news with - whoever. You, I suppose?

So, OK, how have I been? Good. I mean - good,
work-wise. I am settled down already, and could say there are now still less and less things I need to ask about when doing. So I guess, I learned. I get the feeling my bosses like the way I work, and that, believe me, is a nice feeling. Two weeks ago, as I was scheduled to go to London (I say "was scheduled" because I, in fact, did not make it there), I had to "run" the whole business all by myself, as Tadgh and Mary and girls went off for a vacation (to Turkey, by the way). And so - I was in charge!!! No, to be honest, I was, but John - the bus- and boat-man was there with me every morning, and made sure things worked well. "Menomale!!" Well, weather was mostly bad, so we did not really have any terribly full or overcrowded mornings, but - you know, still, it was sort of responsibility to keep the business running well. We only had one a bit more rushed morning, but we managed just about fine (everyone thought so, except Aidan, who, as Mike put it, "got cross quite a bit". Hm, maybe he is a perfectionist...

Now as now, and
"globalmente parlando", all is doing well. Work wise I mean. My private life is a bit worse, and so is my communal life, over at our place. The house is lovely and all that, but I start getting the feeling it is a bit too overcrowded for my tastes... And a bit too messy, too. I decided to do the way I woudl back in Rome. You cook? OK. Cooked, eaten, and then wash up your dishes, and dry them up and put them back to where they are to be. And - leave the mess around just - there. Zuzu sort of eliminated the throwing-away of food, for some time, but now we are back to where we were beforehand - no taking care of food prepared, it just stays out for over night, and meybe even for two nights or so, and no washing of dishes, or so. Sink is constantly full of plates and glasses, and different things, and I am just - tired... On top of it - no hot water, dryer used ocasionaly, and - let me tell you - I am looking forward to the day on which I will be told I used it too often... Hm, "joys" of communal life, indeed.

Personal one - even worse. Asked to be "left alone". But, strangely, put it as though it was I who said I wanted to leave him alone... Strange, is it, mind of a man... I do not forsee recovery anymore. Which sadens me, and at times makes me feel - free?? Don´t know. However, it does make me feel sad, most of the time, and that is NOT good now, is it?


a NEW BEGINNING (gees, is the spelling correct??)

Monday, the 22nd of October.

Just a few news - the first one is that since October 8th I am stationed here, in DUblin, Ireland. John Paull II Centre for Faith and Family Development. The work complies different things, such as.......... and............ and............... . And much more :-) In a learning/training process for now, and then - will see. Horizon keeps changing. I guess I do, too. DO I?
The second one - the story of a love is over. I expected it and tried to get ready for it, but - you are never ready enough for a Good bye... Very sad, as a matter of fact, and just hope time goes by FAST...
The third one - I already had gotten sick - last Thu and Fri. And felt sooooooo sick, and sooooo lonely and far away from all I know and like and love(d), so I guess I also have my first "crisis" over - you know, when you feel like hopping on a plane and getting out of "there" right away. That being said, I may stick around for a bit longer, will have my mum coming over, possibly, to pamper me a bit... Hmmmm
The fourth one - I am trying to set up my first Bank Holiday week-end. Would love to go to the Lake District, England. now not though - all seems to be a bit too much in a hurry and, also (or especially?) fully booked... and therefore unavailable. Maybe will go to Wales instead. Or down to Killarney, again?
Some pictures, hopefully, will be added, as soon as I download a few. In a mean time, there is a plenty of them on my picasa page (wish I knew the link...) - here we go: A lot of pics from Slovakia, also from Killarney, Co. Kerry (Ireland) and from Rome and England etc. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

FOTECKY - pictures - le foto :-)

OK, takze napokon to predsa len zafungovalo!!! Zopar fotiek z mojho vyletu do Walesu - 26./29. oktobra 2007. Co vy na ne? Nezda sa ze by bol koniec oktobra, nie?

Ak sa nemylim, tak toto miesto sa vola Lladundno, alebo tak nejako (si to musim skontrolovat na mape), a nachadza sa hmmm, no - ked sa pozriete na mapy Velkej Britanie, a na dalekom zapade najdete vybezok a na nom mestecko s nazvom HOLYHEAD, no tak potom hladajte krizom cez ten "poloostrov", smerom juho-vychod, a tam niekde to bude... A ak je tato moja navigacia BIEDNA, tak - sorry...

Joj, tak ta posledna fotka - v dlhej sukni - ta ja z Bangor-u, to je to mestecko kde sme byvali, teda kde bol nas hostel. Velmi sa mi tam pacilo a - mozno by som tam aj vedela zit (a mozno to hovorim len preto, lebo akosi viem ze tam zit nebudem :-))
Tak zatial - paaaaa (mami, dufam ze sa ti pacilo!)