Wednesday, April 2, 2008

SPUC Conference - People

A few of fellow conference attenders, a few pictures to remember great people I met there. We had blast! Yeah, we did!!!

Par ludkov co boli, tak ako ja, na konferencii v Skotsku. Par tvari, super ludia, super cas! Oui, oui oui!!
Me with Clare (23), London
Brigitta (23), Germany and I

Anthony-London, Timothy-Devon, ???-Scotland, Cameron-Glasgow, Celeste-Atlanta GA-USA, Clare-London, Brigitta-Germany, ???, ???

Me, Brigitta (23), Celeste (???)

Also see:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ahoj, ste jedna krajsia, ako druha a tretia... Cela duha, ako sa patri. Svedci vam to pokope !!!