Wednesday, April 9, 2008

best friend, seal and heidi and - oprah...

i watched a tv show today, while having my lunch at home, and - heard something nice (and true?) on it.
seal was speaking (you know who seal is, do you?)
about - heidi i suppose (heidi being his wife, with who he's got 3 children. some men are "still" men... good news!!)
and about the best friend(ships)
"you take many things for granted - from your spouse
but if you think about it, it isn't the same with your best friend
you can't take your best friend for granted
you don't want to let your best friend down ever
and that's why i take heidi for my best friend first
and then for my spouse, and all the rest..."
(this is how i "heard" it anyway, it's not a quotation - sorry seal, if i messed it up a bit... have i?)

"she is my best friend. and much more"

so - i brought me to thinking about
one's best friend(s)
and to realizing that i am noone best friend (which is sad)
but also
to realizing that i woudl want to be "it".
and - to realizing that those who are someone's best friends
are lucky to be - someone's best friends.
and - to understanding one man's affirmation...
it is - beautiful and good.
wish i "had" that.
wish i were that.
but -
hey, am only 30+, a day will come when i, too, will have someone calling me his or her
best friend



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