It does NOT show well on the picture, but that actually is the Blackfriars Street on which my hostel is located. I spent there 2 nights - Thursday 27th thru Friday 28th,a nd then Sunday 30th thru Monday 31st.
I did not take too many photos of it myself, but if you want to see, and know, more, look at the link provided (
Toto je par fotiek z hostela v ktorom som stravila dve noci - zo stvrtka 27. na piatok 28. marca, a z nedele 30. na pondelok 31. marca. Bolo vcelku fajn - prva noc lepsia, co sa tyka cistoty a spolubyvajucich, nuz ale co - dopadlo to vcalku fajn, takze - vdaka za to co bolo! Mohlo byt aj horsie!
The two cows - it's just a "recessia" pictures... There was onec something about painting cows back in Slovakia, I cannot remember now what the occasion was, but seeing those ones, I just got reminded of it, so... that's why for the cows pictures :-)
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