Friday, April 25, 2008

DOMA / home in SK

Tak opat som raz doma!
V utorok 22-ho Aprila som doletela z DUblina do Kosic, a v stredu rano som sa stretla s maminkou na stanici. Spolu sme sli do Sace (nemocnica a par testov). Toto je par fotiek z mojho rodneho mesta - Kosic - slnecno-veterneho a velmi "jarneho"
Je dobre byt doma...
So, home again... Flew to Kosice on Tuesday 22nd, on Wednesday 23rd met with my mum. Went to the Saca-hospital, for a few tests, and, before a train-trip to Ruzomberok, strolled around Kosice town. My "birth-town" indeed... Nice, spring-like, and sunny-windy day.
It is good to be home :-)

Rano, cestou zo stanice ku Domu Sv. Alzbety (vidno ju v pozadi) / Wed morning, from the train station towards St. Elizabeth's (see the spear in the background?)
Pri Dome... A fukalo priamo statocne! Takmer ako v Dubline!! / Windy Wednesday morning... almost like back in Dublin...
Cestou s mesta... Uz po navsteve v Saci. A - pred super obedom, u "12 Apostolov"
Town behind... Hospital visits - done. Looking forward to a goooood lunch (wanna good "tip"? 12 Apostoles restaurant. Great food!!)

Friday, April 18, 2008

SPAIN - memoires

only just remembering some good times...
"when i was young"
pic taken in granada, right before easter in 2004
... hmmm,... and all things were good and beautiful then...

Thursday, April 10, 2008 comment...

"A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her”

"Srdce zeny ma byt tak 'stratene' v Bohu, ze muz by mal potrebovat hladat najskor Jeho aby nasiel - ju"

By Bistra P.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

best friend, seal and heidi and - oprah...

i watched a tv show today, while having my lunch at home, and - heard something nice (and true?) on it.
seal was speaking (you know who seal is, do you?)
about - heidi i suppose (heidi being his wife, with who he's got 3 children. some men are "still" men... good news!!)
and about the best friend(ships)
"you take many things for granted - from your spouse
but if you think about it, it isn't the same with your best friend
you can't take your best friend for granted
you don't want to let your best friend down ever
and that's why i take heidi for my best friend first
and then for my spouse, and all the rest..."
(this is how i "heard" it anyway, it's not a quotation - sorry seal, if i messed it up a bit... have i?)

"she is my best friend. and much more"

so - i brought me to thinking about
one's best friend(s)
and to realizing that i am noone best friend (which is sad)
but also
to realizing that i woudl want to be "it".
and - to realizing that those who are someone's best friends
are lucky to be - someone's best friends.
and - to understanding one man's affirmation...
it is - beautiful and good.
wish i "had" that.
wish i were that.
but -
hey, am only 30+, a day will come when i, too, will have someone calling me his or her
best friend



the lake district - GB

feeling like travelling (again???)
so - next destination - the lake district, in the united kingdom. was wandering if anyone out there could give me some suggestions as for accomodation etc. - some nice, but cheap hostel, maybe. even a b&b will do, as far as they have twin rooms :-) and also - what is the best time to go? may could be, right? i hear it then gets pretty crowded... maybe even june?
(there is also this other place, glastonbury they call it, with this huge festival on the very last weekend of june. but - too late for me to go this year, though i could have had some good company [hopefuly]. maybe the next one then? if i manage to not get spooked by the... wiches... hm hmm hmmm) okie dok, let me know if you know of something. about the lake district i mean, not glastonbury...

just so you see what i'd like to get to see... photos are - awesome! c 4 yourselves!

... and these are just tourist links to "facilitate" your (my, really) search for places to stay at and things to do etc... so many info!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Sacrae Theologiae Doctor

Aha ludkovia - nasla som tento link (ak si ma vy-google-ite, akoze "lucia pecovska", tak to tam najdete aj vy) na moje druhorodene "dietatko"... Takze tuto to je (uplne posledna som v tom zozname, ale "posledni budu prvymi" sa kdesi hovori, a preto... :-)

This one, my dear friends, is a link I found after having put my humble name and surname into a "google" thing - link to my precious, second-born "kid"... Hmm, would not the real children be better? I wonder... (however, it is a very last one on the list, you know, as they say "the first ones will be the last, and the last ones will be the first" or so :-)
Lucia / Lucia


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I Walk Alone

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone
I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
and I'm the only one and I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a...
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone
Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah,
Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah
I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line
Of the edge and where I walk alone
Read between the lines
What's fucked up and everything's alright
Check my vital signs
To know I'm still alive and I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a...
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone
Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
I walk alone
I walk a...
I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk a...
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone...
Green Day

SPUC Conference - People

A few of fellow conference attenders, a few pictures to remember great people I met there. We had blast! Yeah, we did!!!

Par ludkov co boli, tak ako ja, na konferencii v Skotsku. Par tvari, super ludia, super cas! Oui, oui oui!!
Me with Clare (23), London
Brigitta (23), Germany and I

Anthony-London, Timothy-Devon, ???-Scotland, Cameron-Glasgow, Celeste-Atlanta GA-USA, Clare-London, Brigitta-Germany, ???, ???

Me, Brigitta (23), Celeste (???)

Also see:

SPUC Conference - Gartmore House

A toto je par fotiek - len tak, na porovnanie s hostelom atd. - zo zariadenia kde sa konala cela konferencia a kde sme spali a jedli atd. Neodfotila som si kupelnu a vela okolia, ale ak si hadam google-nete "Gartmore House Scotland" -
(napr.:, mozno vam nieco vyskoci... Tak sa - pozrite :-)


Nepamatam si dobre ako sa volala tato ulica, ale bola to ulica ktora vedie k hradu - k Edinburgskemu hradu!! Pekna, a celkom pekna stupacka :-) A - pekne farby, co vy na to?
"Camera Obscura" a "Seeing is NOT believing" - to je jedna z atrakcii mesta. Nebola som (nedala som sa zviest), ale co nebolo moze byt - mozno niekedy inokedy. Mala by to byt vystava zaujimavosti z oblasti optiky a svetla, ocnych klamov atd. Pred chodom bolo toto "krive zrkadlo" a bolo azujimave sa v nom odfotit :-)
"Camera Obscura" and "Seeing is NOT believing" - one of many attractions Edinburgh has to offer. I did not go for it (this time), but would not mind, sometime in the future. Supposed to be about photographing, light, optics, optical illusions etc. Could be interesting, don't you recon?
Pohlad na jednu z mensich ale znamych uliciek v Edinburghu - od hradu smerom do mesta. Zeby Royal Mile?
One of those smaller but still famous streets in Edinburgh - from the Castle towards downtown Edinburgh. Royal Mile? Maybe?

Weaverly bridge smerom vpravo, ak si dobre vsimnete, pri zabradli je skotsky gajdovcik... Prakticky je to taky poulicny "gajdovcik", tak ako my mame huslistov, alebo flautistov, tu v Edinburghu maju gajdovcikov. Ludkovia chodia okolo a mozu im nieco nechat. Robi to peknu atmosferu...
Lucia pred Edinburghskym hradom. V pondelok. Pocasie bolo krasne a jasne, dopoludnia. Jednoducho - pekne, vsak? Urcite sa tam este vyberiem!

Simply said - Edinburgh was lovely. I will go again, for sure. It'd be good though, to not go on my own. It is a very romantic city, so woudl call for "company", too. Will see. One day, with that "special someone" - woudl be great! :-)

High Street Hostel Edinburgh etc.

It does NOT show well on the picture, but that actually is the Blackfriars Street on which my hostel is located. I spent there 2 nights - Thursday 27th thru Friday 28th,a nd then Sunday 30th thru Monday 31st.
I did not take too many photos of it myself, but if you want to see, and know, more, look at the link provided (
Toto je par fotiek z hostela v ktorom som stravila dve noci - zo stvrtka 27. na piatok 28. marca, a z nedele 30. na pondelok 31. marca. Bolo vcelku fajn - prva noc lepsia, co sa tyka cistoty a spolubyvajucich, nuz ale co - dopadlo to vcalku fajn, takze - vdaka za to co bolo! Mohlo byt aj horsie!

The two cows - it's just a "recessia" pictures... There was onec something about painting cows back in Slovakia, I cannot remember now what the occasion was, but seeing those ones, I just got reminded of it, so... that's why for the cows pictures :-)