Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A-YeAr-AgO --- Jan 15th

Woke up this morning and felt very sick...
Did not go to work until afternoon.
And noticed, in the morning, that it is January 15th today... And remembered last year and the morning of Jan 15th then...
Hospital, waiting for getting in. And then bank and a few last arronds and shopping for some food for travels.
In the afternoon - taking a train to the capital and getting on plane to Germany.
And, just before midnight, getting to Germany, and having a third of my travels to England done...
That was a year ago.
This year, on Jan 15th, I am in Dublin, well and safe and sound.
Where shall I be in a year time?
Who shall I be?
and - WHO shall I be?



Len tak - ze ma dnes napadlo ze pred rokom som bola na uplen inom mieste, o takomto case (slovenskom) asi uz pravdepodobne sediaca vo vlaku do Blavy, a potom chystajuca sa na let do Frankfurtu.

Dnes rano, 15-ho Januara, som sa zobudila skor ako obvykle, s hlavybolom, a - dvoma navstevami WC a vyprazdnenim zaludka (skoro nic v nom nebolo, okrem stiav, tak neviem preco sa chcel vyprazdnit, al co uz...). Ostala som v posteli az do 13-tej. A potom som sa prebrala, bez hlavybola, a sla do roboty. Nic moc, hlava ako bubon, ale aspon neboli. A ani zaludok...

Akokolvek, rozmyslam o minulosti, a o pritomnosti, a o buducnosti - kto vie kde budem o rok. A kym budem o rok. A - KYM budem o rok, hm?

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