Thursday, January 31, 2008

SNOW on the last day of January / v Irsku SNEZI!!!

Aha - dnes len kratko ale len to som chcela ze tu dnes SNEZILO!!!
Prvy zaber - maminka a Lucia idu do banky, na nakup a na postu. Vsetko v poriadku.
Druhy zaber - rozosniezieva sa...
Treti zaber - uz ficiiiii a sneziiiii...
Jeeeeejo jehoooooo....

... now I only just wanted to say that it was SNOWING today!!! In Dublin!?!??!
I know, probably am sounding like a little kid, but - - - it did make me feel happy and - like a little kid again :-)
I wonder what is all like back home - - - will see sooooooonnnnn....
And back in England (a year ago there has been no snow; but a lot of rain - that - yes!)?

"A plus tard!"

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


am sort of content
feeling better than yesterday
at work - all done
tomorrow - more accounts, and a bank, but - fine...
and then - friday, saturday and sunday
and theeeeennnn -
going HOME on monday (for 10 days...)


ps: had tough couple of days...
confusion, unuseful memories and strange dreams and a headache (was killing me).

ps1: found (via friend) an interesting site, few days ago -
try it out if you will. good for keeping in touch with friends, for finding new ones (so they say), for knowing about old ones, or on not-really-friends, or about your ex, or your ex's exes :-) exciting...
i am - in ireland network, and am called - just lucia pecovska i guess.

Monday, January 28, 2008

D.R. COTTAGE - zahrada/garden et al

Tieto fotky dokumentuju stav nasej "zadnej" zahradky a jej okolia. Na prvej je maminka a prstom ukazuje kde uz asi tri tyzdne je, ale predtym nebola, hriadocka. Nasadila tam cibulku, cesnak, a petrzlen. A aj dalsei dve veci, len si neviem na ich mena teraz prave spomenut...

Tu pri tej hriadke teraz cupim, a uvidime ako sa jej bude darit o take dva, tri mesiace?

Toto je "cudo". Nevieme co to bolo, na co to bole, ale vieme ze za tym niekde je - zumpa... Akokolvek, nateraz je to len taky priestor, plny haraburdia ktore zarasta travou atd.
No, a takto v Irsku robia odtoky z kuchyn a sprch (nastastie odpad z WC ide inakadial - aspon dufam!!!) - by ste tomu neverili. A preto sme to odfotili. Aj v Killarney, presne take iste - pipka z muru trciaca, a voda z nej veselo zurciaca - do kanala...

No a tato posledna fotka dokumentuje ako ten nas strom doplatil na to ze rastol priblizko susedovho plotu a domu (a vobec - priblizko susedovi!) - ten ho dal vytat, lebo mu tam vraj zavadzal, no a okrem toho ze to vsetko zaplatil (to aby moj domaci nemal naklady, jasne?), tak ho pekne aj nal;ozit dal a niekam odviezt. Coz je fajn, len - jeden detail - ono tomu mojmu domacemu za ten strom nikto nic nedal... Viete aky to bol strom? Nuz, velky... A drevo sa tu v Irsku asi naozaj len rozdava... Pripadne si pon pride Anglican a si ho vyrube... Ako v davnych casoch asi... Nerozumiem (zeby Kocurkovo??)

D.R. COTTAGE - TREE story...

D.R. HOUSE - INsides

D.R. HOUSE - okolie/surroundings

Sunday, January 27, 2008

D.R. HOUSE - zpredu/front

Toto je teda - miesto kde pracujem... "Dal Riada House".
Sidlo Centra Jana Pavla II pre rozvoj viery a rodiny (alebo tak nejak).
Mila, mala vilka, hodna... no, ktovie... Asi ale dost.

Nie je to kandelaber oznacujuci zaciatok teritoria Narnie, ale len ten, ktory oznacuje kde sa zacina teritorium patriace k Dal Riada House - a ktory, len tak, medzi nami, takmer NIKDY nesvieti (skoda). Maminka sa snazi sa zan schovat. No, posudte vy sami ako dobre sa jej to aj podarilo...

A toto su schody do "kralovstva" (no, to by teda bolo velmi dobre, keby to tak bolo, ale...) - kazde rano nimi vystupujem, a kazdy vecer zostupujem, na ceste mojho zivota... Aspon teda nateraz...

Dun Laoghaire - more pics

Tieto su niektore dalsie fotky z nasho vyletu do pristavu v Dun Laoghaire.
Na tej prvej sa mamuliacka vytesuje z toho ze sme tie hodiny - slnecne, jasne - nasli, no a ja sa s nou. V pozadi su stale tie plachetnicky...

Na tej druhej fotke - to som ja (ako nak a - kto iny?)
No a posledne tri fotky - to sme zas a opat len my dve - pri majaku a uz cestou spat.

Tato sa mi paci. Z tohoto pohladu sa to vsetko javi akesi vacsie, ale - ono to aj naozaj dost velke je...

Vylet do/Trip to DUN LAOGHAIRE

No - tak v sobotu 26. januara sme sa s maminkou KONECNE vybrali k moru do Dun Laoghaire [dan li:ri], alebo lepsie, na molo do pristavu Dun Laoghaire. Pocasie sa zdalo fajn, tak sme to riskli a - hla - stalo to za to! Den vysiel ako vysity - ani moc jasno, ani zamraceno, ale jasnucko a teplucko (to keby nefical ten "vetricek bratricek", ktory by mohol odviat mansie decko - to teda urcite...)
Na prvej fotke vidno za mnou skupinku plachetniciek (takych malych, pre dve osoby) - mali tam asi trening, robili osmicky a obratky, hore-dole, a - boli dobri!!!

Na tej druhej fotke sa maminka "lepsie prizera" na to ze "kolko je to hodin?" - na zaciatku mola su taketo slnecne hodiny. Su tam mesiace a potom este vselijake vlnovky a ciselka atd., no a ked tam pridete a postavite sa na mesiac v ktorom sa akuratne nachadzate (my sme v sobotu boli - tak ako vsetci ostatni na Zemi - v "januari"), tak kam vas tien dopadne, tak tolko je hodin. Priadavau alebo odpocitavaju sa aj minuty, ale - to by mi musel niekto vysvetlit ze kedy sa kolko odrata alebo prirata...
Akokolvek - boli sme tam okolo 3/4 na dve, a pozrite - tien je presne "niekde tam" - medzi 1//2 a 3/4 na dve popoludni... :-)

Toto je pohlad na pristav od majaku. Ten majak sa nachadza na konci mola, po ktorom sme sa promenadili - trvalo nam to asi tak hodinku. Celkom dobra prechadzka. sa nezda taka dlha, ale - je. Vietor a cajky nam robili spolocnost, a - samozrejme - mnohi dalsi ludkovia ktori sa vybrali si prevetrat pluca... Bolo to pekne popoludnie...
Tato fotka sa mi paci - kvoli svetlu, farbam a maminke.

A tato sa zase paci maminke. Myslim si ze kvoli tomu istemu - kvoli svetlu a farbam... Bol to - pekny vylet...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

... hmmm

very quick today
only just to say
i am sort of TIRED
at work, all is well,
IF only those labels worked the way they are...
or - if i only knew HOW to make them work the way they are to...
dnes len kratko a je to bieda...
v robote vsetko fajn, len keby som vedela ako to s tymi STITKAMI urobit tak, aby som to uz raz a nazvzdy vedela robit...
mate stitky, standardna forma Avery A4, nastavite si to tam, adresy si do toho pekne nachystate, vlozite, upravite... vsetko pekne vytlacite a - - -
vobec to do toho nepasuje...
ta to som vazne taka biedna?
- - - podla mna je to v pocitaci....
(velmi taliansky pristup k veci), URCITE je chyba v pocitaci...
hmmm, grrrrhhhh, som z toho NANIC :-(

Monday, January 21, 2008

January 19th - I am BACK and AUSTRALIANS and DINNER!

Special with a capital "S".
Know not WHY on Saturday, know not HOW it happened, BUT - it happened. After all that time that it was expected, asked for, and prayed for - it, one more time, happened.
"What?" you may be asking?
Nothing great, but - great for me -
I AM - BACK...
Was gone for long, my hear and mind and sould wonderring, and wanderring, in confusion and non-sensiness of a - test? Maybe...
I feel happy again. And free.
Hee haa!
Thank you Lord!

Apart from this - I met with 2 friends of mine.
Both from Australia.

One met in Rome, great woman and a source of inspiration and great ideas (see

The other one met here, in Dublin, another great woman who showes (me) how to trust "no matter what" in a great design that the good God has got for each one of us (speaking of a unique plan for each one of us, let me mention something I heard in homily, yesterday - said by a jesuit priest, on I don't know what occasion: every human being has got a mission in his or her world, and everyone of us shows God's love in a very special, personal, way, to the world around. EACH ONE OF US - rich and poor, believers or not, men or women, children, all... It may sound very obvious, but - to me is sounded as something completely new. Probably for its concrete implications...). We had a lovely lunch together, spoke of Rome, and Australia, and Dublin, and about the Church and about love and sex (in a context of our formation and faith, not just about sex...), and relationships and God and - had a great time together.

At night then, my mum and I went to dinner at Helena and John's.
It was lovely, too.
Great food, even greater company - we shared many stories, observations, insights, and - except a good cuisine and tea, also a love of - MUSIC!!! I actually did play violin, accompanied by a piano! I am thinking I should get my violin when I am home now, but the beginning of February, bring it over (the one I bought in October is ok, but "ok" somethins is not enough... Will see how much it costs to get it over here on plane) and - start seriously playing again.

And then, but this truly was at night, my mum baked - a bread.
Hm, and what bread it was!?
Tastes great. Apparences could be a bit poorer, but - hey, the next one will be grand!
I wander what Teta B. will say?? :-)

Friday, January 18, 2008

is HE right for - her?

F.y.i., this is taken from:

"While the kabbalists are all about treating everyone with human dignity, it doesn't mean we have to live in dysfunctional relationships. Sometimes we do need to show people the door, albeit politely.

How can we be sure we are doing the right thing? Maybe saying goodbye is just shirking responsibility. How do we know?

Write down all the attributes of the person. Would you feel a void if that person was no longer in your life? Is this a situation you can change or can you help the other person to change? If the answer is yes, and it is worth the effort, then go for it. Tackle the challenge.
... Otherwise, maybe it's time to have that talk".

her answer was - a "no"...
a void, once felt on his absence, was not felt, anymore...
and so - that "he" is - NOT (for her)
... she recons... it feels good to know...


Thursday, January 17, 2008

a TREE story

one day, three men walked into her garden and started to trim trees around.
that's what she thought anyway - that they were just trimming it.
particularly one tree - a big one, could have been 70 - 100 years old.
as she got home, for her lunch break, the tree was almost - gone.
the only thing still present in her garden was - its trunk, high and silent, robbed of all its branchese and leafes...
by night, time when she got back from work - the tree was
g o n e...

now, it is not important that it was her neighbour who paid for the tree to be taken down, because it was not making him happy (probably for all those leafes it lost during the autumn, or?)
and not even that it was not really her garde, but the garden of her landlord, who agreed on taking down of the tree.
important, and rather strange, is that
of that tree there was no "use" for the person of whoese property it was.

those men came in,
took the tree down,
shredded all shreddable parts of it, and the non shreddable -
they took away and are
- to sell...

is this normal?

this is what happened in my garden, just today.
my landlord ok-ed the taking down of his tree, and to paying for it by the neighbour.
my landlord did not get anything off it.
he did not even lose anything.
- an old t r e e...

this is s a d...
so this is Ireland, I suppose
or - Kocurkovo??

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A-YeAr-AgO --- Jan 15th

Woke up this morning and felt very sick...
Did not go to work until afternoon.
And noticed, in the morning, that it is January 15th today... And remembered last year and the morning of Jan 15th then...
Hospital, waiting for getting in. And then bank and a few last arronds and shopping for some food for travels.
In the afternoon - taking a train to the capital and getting on plane to Germany.
And, just before midnight, getting to Germany, and having a third of my travels to England done...
That was a year ago.
This year, on Jan 15th, I am in Dublin, well and safe and sound.
Where shall I be in a year time?
Who shall I be?
and - WHO shall I be?

Len tak - ze ma dnes napadlo ze pred rokom som bola na uplen inom mieste, o takomto case (slovenskom) asi uz pravdepodobne sediaca vo vlaku do Blavy, a potom chystajuca sa na let do Frankfurtu.

Dnes rano, 15-ho Januara, som sa zobudila skor ako obvykle, s hlavybolom, a - dvoma navstevami WC a vyprazdnenim zaludka (skoro nic v nom nebolo, okrem stiav, tak neviem preco sa chcel vyprazdnit, al co uz...). Ostala som v posteli az do 13-tej. A potom som sa prebrala, bez hlavybola, a sla do roboty. Nic moc, hlava ako bubon, ale aspon neboli. A ani zaludok...

Akokolvek, rozmyslam o minulosti, a o pritomnosti, a o buducnosti - kto vie kde budem o rok. A kym budem o rok. A - KYM budem o rok, hm?

Friday, January 11, 2008

power point

it is friday today.
at work all seems to be done (already? hm...)
am trying to lear how to make powerpoint presentation in such a way, that when you open it it pops-up directly as a presentation and not with a side-panel on the right hand side and the top bar above...
did not figure it out yet.
can someone help me with that?
"THA" as yorkshire folk say

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

AMICI / FrIeNdS / kamarati

Ho soltanto pensato che questa e carina...
Only thought this to be cute...
Len tak - myslim ze je to mila pohladnica, no nie?

Questa e per quelli che vogliono sapere di piu dei miei amici - this one for those who wanna know more about my friends - tento tu je link pre tych ktori by chceli vediet viacej o mojich kamaratoch:

ciao - see ya - ahoooj

dUbLiN aGaIn - post Christmas

We made it to Dublin again - on Saturday 5th. Slept in (the house was sooooo cold), and then had our lunch, and then - because the weather was so great and clear - we actually got ourselves out of the cottage and went on a trip.

Mum was quite excited about this crossing downtown Dublin :-)

... here she is still looking quite happy...

Here mum is posing on I do not know what street, bu I do not know what river (am ashamed), BUT the point is that in background (see teh light blue building?) is the Yellow Brick Road shop... My mum's dream. Maybe I get the chance to post some pictures from inside the shope. Really - cool... Handwork, jewels, home-made-jewels, and hand crafts, and all about it. Very veeeery nice.

And here is Lucia, with Molly Malone (hopefully that si her name; I mean the name of the lass behind me // did i hear someone saying "hmm, molly malone? THAT molly malone?). Aren't we - hm - cute? Well, then - am at least I not cute?

And here - Lucia again. And - again, no idea about the place this picture was taken, nor about the bridge behind me. Will get some update on that (hopefully).

ako sme CHATovali / CHATTING

... no ale vecer dnes dopadol fajn - sme sa s maminkou naladovali do Dal Riada Centre, a dopracovali sme sa k tomu, aby sme sa s ockom cez i-net dohovorili. A - HURAAAA - ockovi sa podarilo sa s nami spojit, a pochatovat!! To je vykon... A, dalsi vykon - ocko sa normalne aj s Palkou spojil a pochatoval si aj s nou, takze - do buducnosti - bude to svetla buducnost, budem sa moct porozpravat nielen s maminkou, ale aj s ockom. Palku neratam, lebo to je jasne ze s nou sa porozpravat cez i-net viem...
... but so tonight went well - we got to chat with dad and Paula, too, and that, believe me, was something! It is good that there is Internet. :-)

... toto je maminkin prst. ma tam dve okna, jedno je to v ktorom chatuje s Palkou, to druhe ej to v ktorom chatuje s ockom...

... a este dalsi zaber na chatujucu mati, s tym ze vidno ktoru stranku pouzivame. Nie je to Yahoo!, ale Gmail. Mne sa celkom Yahoo! pacilo, ale ani Gmail nie je zly...

January 8th, 2008

Quite restless today. Know not why. Trying to keep focused, and positive.
Weather is "april-like" - clear, then heavy rain, then cloudy, then clear again, and then windy and rainy, and cloudier and more heavy-rainier... and cool, by the evening.
Wanted to go to the gym tonight, but I will not.
Too wet outside.
And too cold.
And a bit too blue, I guess...


Thursday, January 3, 2008

JuSt So

No extraordinary day.
Nothing extraordinary happened.
And yet - I feel - "pretty, yes so pretty"...
Well, not exactly -
I just feel OK.
It feels good to be feeling OK.
How are you feeling today?

PS: matteroffactly, it is because of an exchange of opinions with an old friend of mine that I feel so - uplifted. He may be wrong on many things, or better, we may differ, in our opinions, on many things, BUT on one he for sure is right - communication communication communication - is importantissima!!!! THANK YOU!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

a "must" link

only just recently i have heard from an old friend of mine - i recalled his father's web-page. so - here it is , link to it:
(check out john and molly, ryan and ann, and all the rest!)

are they not awesome?
(though Irish... hee hee hee :-) sorry John - american irish!)

Greetings from Blackrock, John J.!

2008 - predsavzatia alebo bilancovanie? alebo - OBOJE?

rok 2008.
hadam bude lepsi
ako ten 2007-my... -
- plny cestovania a hladania - miesta, stavu, poslania, pokoja, zmyslu...
cestovanie cestovanim bolo.
hladanie - sa neskoncilo. zial. alebo - vdaka bohu?

od januara do marca - v anglicku. na skusoch. za pracou. za pravdou. obisla som zle. pracu som nenasla, pravda sa mi matne ukazala (alebo mozno aj velmi jasne, len ja som sa zle pozerala...)
v marci - "pes s prebitou nohou" - tulavsia sa po svete (lepsie - po europe). od navratu z anglicka, cez pobyt doma na SK, cez pobyt v taliansku, az po navrat na SK a cestu do irska. cestovanie cestovanim bolo. hladanie - ciastocne uspesne (ak sa uspechom v hladani da nazvat obhajoba phd. mozno jeho castou??) a z velkej casti - este "horsie" ako na zaciatku (coho? roka, obdobia studii? mojho zivota? hmmm).
april, maj, jun, august a september - celkom "stabilna"... s pracou (dve, v killarney - eviston house hotel a gap of dunloe tours; prva - nanic, ta druha - super...), vymenivsia tri privaty (so slovenkami dva a potom s nemkou ten posledny), a medzi tym dve cesty do englandu - prva z ktorych uspesna vseobecne povedane, ale neuspesna z osobneho hladiska, a ta druha - dovolenkoveho charakteru (london), uspesna.
oktober - nova praca (dublin), novi ludia, nove prostredie - stary "problem" hladania a nenachadzania (este stale nie? nerozumiem. a pytam sa a pytam, a prosim a prosim, a - NIC... mozno prosim zle? mozno este nie je ten pravy cas? dokedy treba cakat? hmmm). a kratka navsteva wales-u. pekna. velmi pekna... nie sama, ale - citivsia sa tak. ziadna spolocnost je asi fakt lepsia ako zla (alebo nie-celkom-dobra). a - nejake traumaticke spravy a zvestovania, ale - o tom je zivot, asi.
november - stale "dublinova"... zvykam si. maminka ma prisla pozriet. a postarat sa o mna. spolu je to lepsie. a lahsie. hoci je v dome zima a vonku dazd...
december - stale "dublinova". moje druhe vianoce mimo domu. lepsie na tie prve ani nespominat (ked to je bieda, clovek si pamata hoci by nechcel...). s maminkou. je nam dobre. a myslima na - domov. na osobnom poli - biedne, velmi biedne, a opat nejake traumaticke zvestovania. horsie to uz ani nemohlo byt. asi. ale - asi aj hej. "dakujte panovi lebo je dobry, lebo jeho milosrdenstvo trva naveky..."

new years resolutions?

my photo-gallery, for the new year 2008. a few small changes...

more than resolutions for 2008, I thought I would "balance" the gone-for-ever 2007

travelled a loooot in the 2007, life has taken me to many different places and i think i can call the past year the "year of travels".

started in january. the 15th (gosh, almost a year ago already???). my first trip - to england (via germany, and ireland - air ports in frankfurt and dublin). stayed for 7 weeks. can describe it as a fiasco (both - "search-for-work"-wise, and relationship-wise). good things about it? nice house (home-like), i keep routine of getting dove soap bar, listerine for my mouth wash, daz for my laundry. bad things about it? lost quite a few ideals over there, and - time... slovakia and england

march. returned from england (via dublin), stayed home for couple weeks, traveled down to italy (to get my phd.), returned home for 3 days, and took off for ireland (via frankfurt). to try more luck there, to find some job. looks like march has been the most "movimentato" month of the past year - 4 countries in 31 days... ireland - luckier than in england (work-wise i mean). moving around continues. changed 3 flats. from the appartment to the house (with my slovak friends), then to anonother house (with my german friend) - but this covers months from april to end of september. england, slovakia, italy, ireland

may. change of work place. a visit (short one, just for 4 days) to england again. bank account-et-rel issues. the bank - good. the rest (did not feel like that then but objectively speaking) - bad. ireland and england

june. working at the new place - and quite enjoying it. ireland

july. no movements. an irish summer weather and more work at the not-so-new-anymore work. ireland

august. another (this time longer - 7, or 8 dd long) trip to england. vacation time!!! spent mostly on my own. enjoyed my sisters' friends' company, too. did not enjoy much the national galery though... hmmm... returned and moved in with my german friend. good things about this month - some travel, some rest, and a new place!!! very cosy, very quiet, very clean. bad things about this month - leaving the previous place hasn't been easy, making the decision to leave either. a bit disappointed about teh english trip, but - that's another story. ireland and england

september. by the end of the month - leaving killarney, going home to SK (via dublin) for couple of weeks. good time at home. short though. ireland and slovakia

october. tough to set on again and travel to ireland... life seems more difficult, i feel old and - weak. confused. trying to hold on and hope. the new job. a lot of new faces and names, and things. life in dublin. living alone, and living lonely... some bad news (personal matters) by middle of the month, desolated and - sick and lonely. want to go home... better part of october month - a trip to wales. 4 days. lovely weather, lovely part of the world, company - ok, plenty of fine pictures. feeling more alive, but - lonely still. maybe because of wishing for un-useful things? probably... slovakia, ireland, wales, and ireland

november. memories of years ago. confusion about being in ireland continues. confused and perplexed contact with some of my past - goes on. no good. the good news is - my mom is coming to stay with me for christmas. thank you god... ireland

december. i turn 34. only a few days earlier - bad, a veeeery bad news (personal matters again). but - life must go on... it does. trying to not try to forget (as trying is a very conscious thing, and so obstacles forgetting) and wishing for an amnesia (just being silly now, and over-dramatizing, i know...). and christmas! second xtmas in my life, spent not in SK (in my present status animae, it is better not to think about the first one...) good - with mum... thanks god!!! a few small trips to dublin city and around. nice photos. blessings, small but real... only ireland...