Friday, August 22, 2008

OXEGEN a' la catholica!!! Clonmacnoise

Fantastic Youth Festival in the middle of Ireland (Co. Offaly), in a middle of nowhere - huge fields, filled with music, laughter, praise and prayer, tears of happinness, forgiveness and love... That was my last week-end. Went with Kay, my friend from work, and truly enjoyed it. People still know how to have fun with no drugs, no booz, no sex... How uplifting!!! Go Youth 2000, go!!!

Food marqueese (do you say/spell it like this??). With Kay. And hundreds of other young(-er) people.
These are all SLOVAKS... Could you believe that? There were 7 of us there!!! As everyone knows - 7 IS the perfect number. And even if it wasn't, it was, for us, there and then! L-R: Monika, muself, Emil, Maria, Daska, Fr. Patrick, and ... oohhh, I forgot his name... Juraj?

Unlike majority of particiants - Kay and I stayed in a lovely cosy little B&B (€36 per night and b-fast), close by - in Shannon Bridge. If anyone of you wanted to spend time in those parts of Ireland and is looking for a good place to stay and a great food to eat - let me know!

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