Friday, February 1, 2008


I found this site today - trip advisor travel map - and - they have different types of "quizes" on there... so - I has some fun... having travelled a bit, but knowing my geography knowledge is not too fine... I found out it wasn't too bad, either...

this is the link
and the site, actually, could be worth it, for those who travel a lot or for those who like to travel though cannot travel as much as tehy woudl want to...


ps: there should be some great photos of the world, too... let me check that out... yes, there are. and also a lot of info about hostels and tours etc., hm - worth exploring...

so, where to next?
canada? russia? norway? scotland? arctica? (yeah, right...) - I WISH!!

1 comment:

starlagurl said...

Hey Lucia! Glad you like our game. You can chat about strategy and compare scores with other Traveler IQ addicts in our travel forums

Louise Brown
TravelPod Community Manager