Friday, February 22, 2008

... ako seba sameho / love YOURSELF

"The goal of spirituality is to love your neighbor as thyself, right? That means if you're doing your job right, you love yourself.
Do you?
Do you appreciate who you are and what you bring to the table? Do you feel adequate, competent, enough? If I asked you to make two lists, one of the things you hate about yourself, the other of the things you love about yourself, which would be longer?
There's a saying in Kabbalah that
we don't go into a temple to worship God, we go into a temple to reveal the God within us...
I meet so many people who downright hate themselves and it pains me to see it. Even the worst among us have so much love and joy and sweetness to reveal. All it takes is learning to accept ourselves a little more, each day.
Today, get in the mode of being good to yourself. If you mess up, be gentle, talk to yourself in a soothing, kind voice. "It's OK. I am learning. I am getting better every day." The more we open our heart for ourselves, the more we can open it for others".

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