Tuesday, November 12, 2013

North-Eastern Slovakia - a trip to Bardejov et al - SEPT 2013

After a conference a few of my coleagues and I had organized and managed to run quite successfully, I was happy to spend a day with one of our guest speakers from the US on a day trip to north-eastern Slovakia... we visited a few quite famous wooden churches of Slovakia´s... and had a grand time and - TIME :-)


1 comment:

IRMslovakia said...

pochvaleny bud Pán JEŽIŠ kRISTUS!!! prosil Ma Jaroslav Husarcik, ci by Ste nedali nejake spolocne stretko - kafe, alebo tak - niekedy niekde... www.RobertMrvis.wix.com/theFirst , www.facebook.com : IngRobert Mrvis