cesta do Santiaga sa zacala, ako inak, doma na SK... ale predtym ako sme sa vydali na put, sme sa zastavili na par miestach. prve z nich - MONACO... vitajte v mojom obchodiku (no, to by bolo!!)
before we started our walk to Santiago, we stopped at couple of places, the first of them being MONACO. only a day after prince ALbert got married...
before we started our walk to Santiago, we stopped at couple of places, the first of them being MONACO. only a day after prince ALbert got married...
prvu noc (z tych, ktore sme stravili v posteli, a nie tych, ktore sme stravili v buse) sme spali v tomto moteliku/hosteliku, v TOULOUSE. mile, male ubytko...
this is where we spent our first night (other than on the bus, but those do not count really...) - a little motel/hostel over in TOULOUSE (ahh, really?? well, really, yesss...)
moje prve teple (varene) jedlo, po trocho dnoch, typicka baskicka rybacia polievka... velmi chutna... mnam mnam mnam. kde? v SAN SEBASTIANO. krasne mesto! mohla by som tam byvat, naozaj!!
having a firs warm meal in three days time... a typical bask (??) sea food soup, really, but really very good!! where? in a city called SAN SEBASTIAN, truly a lovely, lovely town. could live there!
having a firs warm meal in three days time... a typical bask (??) sea food soup, really, but really very good!! where? in a city called SAN SEBASTIAN, truly a lovely, lovely town. could live there!
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