Friday, December 30, 2011

another year coming to its END... and snow at home

this is how we woke up this morning... maybe, by tomorrow, the ski slopes will be ready to host us for real...

may the 2012 beas good as the previous ones have been and possibly EVEN BETTER...
lots of love and grace and blessings to ya´ll... and God bless!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

red head - - -

... before the colour washes out... and the hair gets cut off again...
ps - taken with my NEW camera :-)

being super extra busy lately - but - still - MERRY CHRISTmas!!

dlhsi cas som nic nepostla - ani moc nebolo o com (hoci, cosi by sa urcite bolo naslo... - Santo Subito v KE, nejake to operne soire v KE, s kolegovcami z katedry, atd atd...), ale predovsetkym - nebolo casu...
A tak teda, po dlhsom case a oneskorene - z domova - prajem POZEHNANE VIANOCE a vesele posledne dni roku 2011...

... have not been very "productive" lately - not much to report, a looot to do... so, after a while, and even late - let me wish you a very merry CHRISTmas and happy and warm last days of the 2011... then the 2011 will arrive and we´ll meet, and "meet" then :-)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

black and white, and somewhere in between - at work et al

 ... or should i have called it WHITE and black etc??

This is not a real "from around the world" entry, as these are from my almost-daily work life, or better - post-work-life. To show we do not only work hard, but also play hard...
Above - a friend´s dissertation lunch. WHITE.
 An intermission during Le nozze di Figaro opera - members of our dpt et al are trying to NOT be too crazy about having some spare time, right? BLACK.
(the) second intermission... and - somewhere IN BETWEEN.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

slnko, more, pohoda - DoVoLeNkA / vAcAnZa / VaCaTiOn 2011

Tento rok, opatovne, sme - maminka, ocko a ja - navstivili Gaetu, LT, Taliansko. Je to sice len nieco vyse (alebo nize??) mesiaca, co sme sa vratili, ale mne sa to vidi uz velmi davno... aj bronz uz odisiel, aj teplo a leto... prisla jesen a zimka (aj tak dobre, ved som predsa zimne dieta, nie?) Nebudem tu prikladat fotky, lebo ich je dost a nevedela by som vybrat, lepsie povedane, trvalo by mi to ktovie ako dlho. Ale prilozim link, pre tych zvedavejsich :-) Nech sa "namaskrtia", ha haa...
A - len tak, aby som nezabudla na to, ze peniaze nie su vsetko, ak by ste niekedy chceli usetrit 20 Evri, a namiesto toho prejst, o polnoci, necelych 8 kilometrov, s batozkom na chrbte a 15-kilovou batozinou na kolieskach, hovorim vam - NESTOJI to za to (alebo, lepsie povedane - mozno to za to stoji, ale da sa aj lahsie :-)))

Some month or so ago, my folk and I were down south, on a VACATION. Gaeta is becoming our favourite destination, I think, and - no wonder, really. Had a good, holiday-friendly time, a looooot of sun, some wild waters, and grand waves, a loooot of spare time, good food and company, too. Italy is - well, Italy is Italy. Miss it...

Friday, July 15, 2011

cAmiNo de SaNtiAgO - July 6-10, 2011

this is how it all started... went on and...

the end of the second day of walking... feeling groovy...

almost there, ALMOST there... at this point we did not know that we were to encounter a very wet and a very persistent TEMPORALE-as-if...

entering the city of Santiago (de Compostela) - what a joy!!

... and ENDED... too bad i am not able to post more pics on here, but - something is better than nothing, so - just enjoy what and while you can :-)

and waving from in front of the Cathedral... hee haa, THANK YOU, LORD!!!

post-SANTIAGO July 2011 - LOURDES

po Camine - zastavka v Lurdoch... od rana do vecera a potom este druhy den, do popoludnajsich hodin. uplne iny zazitok, atmosfera velmi podobna... obe miesta su plne ludi a - pokoja a radosti... zopar, ale naozaj len par, fotiek z Lurd

pre-SANTIAGO July 2011

cesta do Santiaga sa zacala, ako inak, doma na SK... ale predtym ako sme sa vydali na put, sme sa zastavili na par miestach. prve z nich - MONACO... vitajte v mojom obchodiku (no, to by bolo!!)
before we started our walk to Santiago, we stopped at couple of places, the first of them being MONACO. only a day after prince ALbert got married...

prvu noc (z tych, ktore sme stravili v posteli, a nie tych, ktore sme stravili v buse) sme spali v tomto moteliku/hosteliku, v TOULOUSE. mile, male ubytko...
this is where we spent our first night (other than on the bus, but those do not count really...) - a little motel/hostel over in TOULOUSE (ahh, really?? well, really, yesss...)

moje prve teple (varene) jedlo, po trocho dnoch, typicka baskicka rybacia polievka... velmi chutna... mnam mnam mnam. kde? v SAN SEBASTIANO. krasne mesto! mohla by som tam byvat, naozaj!!
having a firs warm meal in three days time... a typical bask (??) sea food soup, really, but really very good!! where? in a city called SAN SEBASTIAN, truly a lovely, lovely town. could live there!

este stale San Sebastian :-)
still in San Sebastian :-)

RoMe AgAiN 1 - June 2011

takze - koncom juna sa mi podarilo, po uspesne ukoncenom skuskovom a preskusani vsetkych na skusky zapisanych sa, dostat opat do Rima. ciel - gregorianska kniznica a hladanie temy a titulky pre moju buducu monografiu (veru veru, docentura tlaci, clovek si musi kvalifikaciu dvihat, ak nechce prist o pracu... plus, aj mozgu to len prospeje, ked si moze popracovat na comsi novom, nie??). ciel bol takmer splneny, biblioteca gregorianense bola super, a pomaly sa bude moct Lucia na novu knihu vrhnut... prinasam par fotociek... skutocne len par... snad vas potesia :-)
a few pics from my last visit to Rome... having completed all of my academic duties, and after i examined all of my students, i, one more time, landed in rome, to spend a few days lost in the library, searching for a title and a theme of my next book... sounds serious, and serious it is... however, the stay was not just it, i had some grand time, met some fine people, had some lovely sunny days... a few pics for you to share in my experience... enjoy!!

rOmE aGaiN 2 - June 2011

tuhla sme sa odcvakli s Car-a-melkou, ked ma sla odprevadit. fotene v metre. ako inak, nie?
eccoci qua - Car-a-mela ed io. fotografato nella metropolitana di Roma, un sabato (??) sera, quando Carmela e andata con me fino a Via Alcamo, a riaccompagnarmi... chiamasi L´AMICIZIA, la sua!! grazie, Carmeli!!
Car-a-mela and I, after a lovely afternoon I spent at hers, she walked me (literally) home, so that I be not harmed, nor hurt, by anyone. call it FRIENDSHIP, ey?

cestou na plaz... trosku sme to presvihli s casom, tuhla na fotke okolo 18:30, nedela vecer... a to este ani nie sme na plazi. s Oanou :-)
verso la spiaggia... una domenica sera, verso le 18:30, e la spiaggia ancora distava tipo 400 metri... cmq, ci siamo riuscite eventualmente, le ragazze si sono fatte un bel bagno, e siam riuscite poi pure di andare ad un concerto di lirica, a Sant´ Ignazio :-)
trying to reach the beach... Sunday, late afternoon... we, eventually, made it to the sea shore, and back, and even to a concert at St. Ignatius...

Federica (P), Fabio (stred, majitel Bio obchodu-snack baru), ja (L)... salat bol super extra de luxe!!
Fede (S), Fabio (della Fa Bio, vicino al Vaticano), ed io (D) - la insalata e la spremuta erano squisitissime!!
great food in this GREAT little place, Da Bio, with Fabio, the owner :-) does he not look like the doc from Gray´s Anatomy??

mica cica paradnica
micia, vicino a casa di Giuliana
kitty cat, by Giuliana´s

cakam na tu pizzu... (alebo na Godota??)
aspettando la pizza... ehmmm
waiting for pizza... ooookie dok!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

my little LOVE Veronika - growing fast, eh??

though I am no longer travelling the world (as a matter of fact, the last almost two yrs I spent in my home country, and plan on staying as long as possible), this, still, can be posted within my "from around the world" blog´s entries, as - life´s journey is one of the most exciting, and what can be more exciting than a journey of this (and every) little kiddie´s journey of life...

WE all ENJOY it together with her, our little BIRICCHINA piccolina :-)

You - have a look and enjoy, too...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

vErOniKa Apr 2011

No, a Veronika uz ma takmer 5 mesiacikov... Veronica ha quasi 5 mesi ora... Veronica is almost 5 months now.
ISN´T SHE LOVELY? (Stevie Wonder)