Ahaho - kamarata mojho!!! Toto je (ako je mnohym zname, z cias mojich rimskych studii) Erik, spoluziak z Gregoriany, na navsteve v Irsku - Dubline... No super!!! Posledny krat co sme sa videli bolo v Rime, v roku 2004, cize pred 4mi rokmi... Vobec sa nezmenil (navonok - len trochu kratsie vlasy ma - a ani zvnutra - stary "dobry Erik cislo 2" :-))
Stretli sme sa v stredu 18-ho juna, zasli na veceru do talianskej resticocky, porozpravali, podelili sa, a naspat sa vybrali, pretoze na nasledujuce rano - toho 19ho juna - nas cakal vylet k hrobu Sv. Patrika...
Som velmi rada ze sme sa stretli.
Clovek nema vela priatelov, a ani ja nie som vynimka, ale tycho ktorych ma si ceni nad zlato. A tak aj ja.
Time is a healer, they say (and I am very happy about it and give testimony to it, too - yes, with time all bad and sad things fade, and only good memories stay), and everything changes and passes. Except - friendships. Well, I say, it is true. And proven.
Wednesday 18th of June 2008 I had a pleasure of meeting an old friend of mine, from times long gone (times of studies, back in Rome, in the 90s of the last century... sounds almost "ancient" indeed!!!), (Fr.) Erik from Arkansas. Who would have ever guessed that Dublin will be the place where we once meet... Noone probably. Well, we did and I am so very happy about it!
Short it might have been, but quality, as you all will well know, is not dependend on quantity, and this reunion of two classmates from two very different parts of the world, was a perfect proof of it!
Took a short walk, got a big old Italian dinner, had a good old chat and it was just so good. God is good, you know? He is. For letting us meet his special people. For giving us his little big gifts. For making our rainy days brighter and warmer and more human (and divine!)
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