Monday, June 23, 2008
STRETKO v Dubline
V nedelu 22. juna som bola prvykrat na slovenskej sv. Omsi. O tyzden nato, na Sv. Petra a Pavla, opat. Tieto fotky su z 29. juna (by the way, den finale UEFA, Spanielsko - Nemecko :-))
"Su Slovenky ako skala dokonale" - vsak?
my SHORTEST EVER visit to the UK - DoWnPaTrIcK
This is me (obviously...), with behind a Church of Ireland (C of I) church by which there is St. Patrick's grave. Lovely weather, was it? Toto som ja na ulici s v pozadi kostolom (neviem ktoreho svateho - bola to Irska cirkev, neviem ci ich pomenuvaju - myslim ze ano ale nemala som sa ako dozvediet ze ako sa volala)
The Saul Church, C of I now. Saulov Kostol - jedno z miest o ktorych sa domnievaju ze tam Patrik pristal (nedaleko je zaliv) ked prisiel evanjelizovat Irsko.
By the Saul Church, with countryside around and a sea-shore behind. V pozadi (len velmi malinko) zaliv kde mala pristat lod so Sv. Patrikom ked prisiel na misiu na ostrov.
Afterwards a short de-tour to visit a Saul Church, one of many places St. Patrick is supposed to have arrived when returning to evangelize the island of Ireland many many years ago. Afterwards we took off, had a lovely wee lunch in a town of.... hm, I forget, and returned to Dublin later in the afternoon. Went down town, had a pint of beer and a hint of song in a wee pub in Temple Bar area, and then a bite of hot chicken wings in yet another pub, before we said our good byes and returned to our dwellign places - me to my wee little cottage and my friends to their wee little B&B, from where they were to leave the following morning.
And THAT was my shortest ever visit to the United Kingdom (and Northern Ireland as such), but - one more time - quantity was not what made it so special and so great (and so "brilliant" again :-). It was the company of friends and of Saints instead...
ERIK in town :-)
Friday, June 20, 2008
LISBON TREATY - non-treaty...
Before I forget - there was a REFERENDUM over here in Ireland, just a week ago (June 12th 2008) regarding this "famous" Lisbon Treaty (a.k.a. "European Constitution under-cover" I'd call it, as it is nothing else but "it"!), AND - surprisingly (or maybe not all that surprisingly after all???) it's outcome was a large "NO" - the Irish decided against it (just as, 2 years ago, though it held different name then... did the French and the Dutch, too).
Is it not strange - religious belief in ressurection is often (and more and more) looked down upon and ridiculed, and wanted to be put out of people's minds (or at least out of public affairs etc.) and/but - here we go (went) once again - "it was dead but it rose again" or something like that could be said about the Constitution really. Or??
Post-Lisbon-Treaty atmosphere here in Ireland (or better, in Europe?) is... really only a "pre-something-else-Treaty", I suppose. And, as they said on TV this morning - the Irish will be asked to vote until they will have said "yes" to it... not fair! Not fair at all...
And so - though all this could be just a poor attempt of mine to "comment" on what was/is going on around here, it surely is to mark this event and to retain it (just in case, you know, for in "2-3-years-time-campaign" [or maybe even sooner?]). Hence - the picture (for, "seeing" they say, "is believing" - - - )
Hovorim ze predtym ako na to uplne zabudnem (a predtym ako budu vsetky putace odstranene z ulic) so este chcela, hoci neskor, "zdokumentovat" to co sa tu - v Irsku - udialo minuly tyzden - 12. juna 2008. Referendum o Lisbonskej zmluve. Jedine na uzemi statov EU. Iri sa rozhodli a vyslovili proti (kiezby sme boli mali tu isu moznost aj my na Slovensku - hoci - ktohovie ako by to bolo byvalo dopadlo tam, vsakze ano? Mozno by som sa musela aj hambit...). Akokolvek - tu to je, fotka to potvrdzuje a ked sa opat bude niekedy hovorit o ratifikacii davno zosnulej (tak sme si mysleli, ale - treba byt pragmaticki - preco by eurposki politici mali drzat slovo a dohody, ked to miestni politici nerobia, alebo len velmi zriedka) a predivne z popola sa pozdvihnuvsej Europskej Ustave alias Lisabonskej zmluve alias - "na mene nezalezi, a ani na veku" - tak sa budem mat na co pozriet a povedat si - nie nesnivas, je to opat - tu...
Ahojte doma!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
fare well AND baby shower PARTY
And here a proud father, James with his firsborn son, little who? Little Andrew :-)
:-) navsteva
I had a visitor from home. My sister's coleague from work, Janka K. Did not stay long, but I had a good time anyway, as any visit and any kind word in my mother language is appreciated in this foreign country. All who experienced it, will understand...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Akokolvek, nebolo to vsetko "nadarmo", pretoze som stretla zopar kon-slovakov, a po omsicke u karmelitanov som bola na mini veceri s kamaratkou Zuzanou (ktora je tu v Irsku uz zopar peknych rokov) - bolo dobre a som rada... Tak teda - zatial sa majte, a do skoreho "citania"!