Dnes som bola na obede v McDonald-e... PRECO NIE?... nuz, ale teraz vazne - hej, bola som na obede v McDonald-e, lebo som nestihaladostat sa na postu a potom este aj na obed domov a potom sa vratit do prace na urcitu hodinu, ked je tu sef (hm, sef tu je, ale zatial ma nehladal, cize... ale nic, aspon som po nejakom tom case opat mala burgera!!!)
No a ako som tam pojedala burgera, tak som si spomenula - neviem preco (preco vlastne???) na to co som robila pred rokom takto. Nuz a odpoved je - ze som sa vracala z Anglicka domov na Slovensko (cez Dublin - poznamka redaktora) a chystala na tu velku udalost ktorou boal obhajoba doktoratu v Rime...
Neskor, uz v praci, som si precitala jeden mail, co mi chodieva fakticky kazdy den, mudrost z Kabbal-y, no a tak ma napadlo -
co mna vlastne motivuje?
Odpoved - musim pohladat.
Ale len tak, pre zaujimavost - co VAS motivuje?
"Co je za vasimi cinmi, za vasimi postojmi? Z coho cerpate energiu pomocou ktorej robite to co robite? Co je podstatou vasho spravania sa a konania?
Odpovedou je - uvedomenie si. Vo vasich myslienkach, vasich tuzbach, vo vasich vierach - v tom v co verite. V uvedomeni si sa skryva sklicko ceaz ktore sa pozerate na svet
TO na co myslite zafarbi (do ruzova ci cierna, ci ako? / poz. red.) vsetko na com pracujete, na co myslite...
Skuste sa dnes pozriet na to ako zijete svoj zivot. Pozrite sa na niektore z tych veci po ktorych tuzite, ktore chcete, a pokuste sa najst ktore rozlicne uvedomenia si lezia na koreni tychto (a inych) vasich tuzob.
Had lunch at McDonald's today... And - why not? ("Don't eat there, it's bad for you!") - I know, I know, but - I had my reasons, so... McDonald's it was!
Sat there, know not why, I happened to think of life and so, and of today and of a year ago - - - when I was actually leaving England (and, actually, via Dublin!! / that was my first encounter with Dublin airport :-)) - and it all felt so - looooong ago. Well, it's been a year, hm?
Then, later on, at work, I found these words in my inbox, so - thought about them and tought I woudl share them with you.
It is important to know WHAT lies behind...
It is important so that one can, finally, understand...
Enjoy reading:
What's behind your actions and your attitudes? What is the nature of the energy with which you do things? What is at the core of your behavior? The answer is consciousness, as in, your thoughts, your desires, your belief systems — the lens through which you view the world.
What goes on in your mind will color what you do and how you do it.
Today, take a closer look at yourself as you go about your life. Look at some of the things you are running after and see if you can discern the different kinds of consciousness you have in relation to them.