Thursday, October 25, 2007

idem na VYYYYLET - going on to hoooooliday :-)

V Irsku maju volno - tento nadchadzujuci pondelok (teda vikend je namiesto soboty a nedele dlhsi o jeden den - o pondelok). Chcela by som ist - a DUUUUFAM ze sa mi to podari, do Walesu (Spojene Kralovstvo). Povodne som chela isto do Lake District (tiez v Sp. Kralovstve), ale - akosi sa to tentokrat nepodarilo, tak - snad NABUDUCE (teda, URCITE nabuduce - hovoria mi ze to stoji za to, tak teda - stoji to za to!)
Ak teda pojde vsetko tak ako ma, mozno uz zajtra podvecer nasadam na lod z Dublinu (Dun Laoghire) do Holyhead-u. Potom do Bangor-u, do hostelu, no a potom - cela sobota a nedela - vyletujem a chodim dookola a tak. V pondelok potom - naspat. Ako to zneje? Celkom dobre, nie?
A nie, nejdem sama, hoci mi to najskor "hrozilo". Nasla sa tu v okoli dobra dusa ktora sa k mne pridala, a tak budeme po Wales-e pobehovat dvaja. Je to jeden kolega z novej prace, srandak a cestovatel, tak ak, tak to k vyletu len prida :-)

There is a Bank Holiday Week-end this week in Ireland here. I'd like to go - and I DO DO hope to make it - to Wales, on to a trip... Original intention was to go to the Lake District (United Kingdom - a lot, a lot a lot of memo- memo- memories...), but - somehow - it just did not work out this time, so, let's say - it'll work the next ! :-))
So - given all goes well, tomorrow evening, around this time, I will be about to board the boat from DUblin Dun Laoghire to Holyhead. Then the train to Bangor, and then a hostel somewhere around there. Then - all Saturday and Sunday all for walking and goofing around - the shore, the mountains, will see what else. Shoudl be fun, should it? Monday then - back home. Well, "home" - meaning - back to Dublin and mu new life here...
And no, am not travelling alone. Though at first it looked like I could, or would. Now there is this friend-coleague of mine, from the new work, that will travel along. A nice a funny Irish man, keen on travelling as well, so - sound slike a good companion for a trip, right?
I know it will be a lot of fun and a lot of - - - Wales...

Okie dok, talk to you later,
Lucia :-)

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