Wednesday, October 31, 2007

WALES - October Bank Holiday

It was a nice little trip, after all (The Lakes District will be for the next time!!)
In Bangor, Wales.
Got a boat from Dun Laoghaire to Holyhead (UK), then train to Bangor, then found the YHA hostel up in Bangor and settled down.

Saturday fun but wet day - really wet, and really loooong, but - really really FUN. Got some taste of waleshan public transportation running... hmmm, pretty "relaxed", BUT it must have been because of that Annual Marathon in... forgot the name (will update on that later on).

Sunday - beautiful and sunny day. On the shore. A looooots of pictures. Change of plan - return back to the mountains, to get some nice and sunny mountian shots, BUT - problem - Sunday public transport not served too well, therefore - just a loooot of local bus routes runnings up and down around Snowdonia. But - fun anyhow. And, again - a lot of pictures' taking.

Monday - just travelling. Late leave. But - still lovely and nice. Pier down in Bangor - awesome. Such a nice place - will have to return to there, I am saying "WILL" return there, there are reasons for that for sure... (it this ENglish making sense???)
Then train and sail back to DUblin - getting sad and nostalgic, becasue of various things, getting pensive and homesick and more-things-sick...
And back to work nowwwww...

Today - October the 31. Memories of years ago, will listen to Mozart's "Requiem" tonight I guess... Or maybe not? To not get too home/rome-sick? Will see...

Bye now :-)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

idem na VYYYYLET - going on to hoooooliday :-)

V Irsku maju volno - tento nadchadzujuci pondelok (teda vikend je namiesto soboty a nedele dlhsi o jeden den - o pondelok). Chcela by som ist - a DUUUUFAM ze sa mi to podari, do Walesu (Spojene Kralovstvo). Povodne som chela isto do Lake District (tiez v Sp. Kralovstve), ale - akosi sa to tentokrat nepodarilo, tak - snad NABUDUCE (teda, URCITE nabuduce - hovoria mi ze to stoji za to, tak teda - stoji to za to!)
Ak teda pojde vsetko tak ako ma, mozno uz zajtra podvecer nasadam na lod z Dublinu (Dun Laoghire) do Holyhead-u. Potom do Bangor-u, do hostelu, no a potom - cela sobota a nedela - vyletujem a chodim dookola a tak. V pondelok potom - naspat. Ako to zneje? Celkom dobre, nie?
A nie, nejdem sama, hoci mi to najskor "hrozilo". Nasla sa tu v okoli dobra dusa ktora sa k mne pridala, a tak budeme po Wales-e pobehovat dvaja. Je to jeden kolega z novej prace, srandak a cestovatel, tak ak, tak to k vyletu len prida :-)

There is a Bank Holiday Week-end this week in Ireland here. I'd like to go - and I DO DO hope to make it - to Wales, on to a trip... Original intention was to go to the Lake District (United Kingdom - a lot, a lot a lot of memo- memo- memories...), but - somehow - it just did not work out this time, so, let's say - it'll work the next ! :-))
So - given all goes well, tomorrow evening, around this time, I will be about to board the boat from DUblin Dun Laoghire to Holyhead. Then the train to Bangor, and then a hostel somewhere around there. Then - all Saturday and Sunday all for walking and goofing around - the shore, the mountains, will see what else. Shoudl be fun, should it? Monday then - back home. Well, "home" - meaning - back to Dublin and mu new life here...
And no, am not travelling alone. Though at first it looked like I could, or would. Now there is this friend-coleague of mine, from the new work, that will travel along. A nice a funny Irish man, keen on travelling as well, so - sound slike a good companion for a trip, right?
I know it will be a lot of fun and a lot of - - - Wales...

Okie dok, talk to you later,
Lucia :-)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

just another day - dalsi den v praci :-)

Dalsi den v praci - vcera mi bolo vecer zleeeee, tak som sa chcela vratit domov, nech mi je zle aspon doma... Ale dnes - lepsie.
Snazim sa dostat sa cez vikend kamsi do sveta - Lake District alebo Wales v Anglicku?
Hm, uvidime...

Felt horrible last night - sick and dead... Wanted to go homeeeee....
Trying to set up something for the upcoming w-end - the Bank Holiday here in Ireland on Monday... Lake District or Wales (in Britain)??? Will see...

Bye now, L.

Monday, October 22, 2007

skusobne / just trying this out

Ahojte - mam tam kopec fotiek (na picase), tak moze byt teraz aj blog, nie?
After the pics, there it comes now - the blog...
just trying this out really

Greetings from Dublin - no more info re: address;
you know, one never knows, and - let's just be prudent...

PS - tuto su tie fotky co som spominala / here are the pics: