Friday, September 17, 2010

Holy FATHER in the United Kingdom!!

Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVIth is in the UK these days...
Thought I'd take note of it, as it is the first visit of Pope to this part of world ever...
London tonight. Edinburgh (spelling???) yesterday...


"Bless them and make them holy!"

Sunday, September 12, 2010

POHODA 2010 FeStiVaL

NOTE: this one i borrowed from Janka S.'s FB profile (hope you don't mind, Jani...)

this year, at the beginning of month of July, i attended my first EVER (better late than never they say, i say i agree, with some exceptions obviously) music festival!

participated "actively", meaning - as one of those performing

sang Mozart's Requiem, one of sopranos of Sta. Cecilia Choir

't was an AMAZING experience
(great, brilliant, awesome,...)

SETtling DOwn II - come, come, come into my flat's "arms"

here we go:

Lucia, female, 36 years old
got a mortgage
bought a flat

Lucia, female, 65 years old (orrr - a bit younger :-)
WILL own it...