Monday, November 30, 2009

len tak... ako tak... shak-a-tack

questo succede, quando una, che mai si trucca, viene truccata... eccola (cioe´, eccomi)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

ROMA - amor (nov 2009)

been to the Colloquium again, after 5 loooong years...
had a good time, met good people, ate well, rested well, missed it all way too "well"
Rome is Rome.
Oh, as a matter of fact,
Rome is ROMA
And ROMA is AMOR...

aKO sME piEkli

ucime sa piect.
a toto je ako nam to ide...
mnam mnam mnammmm

c´est la fin

bim bam bim bam
a na (zabudla som kde...) bol zvonec
a rozpravke ("rozpravke") bol KONIEC


SuMmEr TiMe

ritornata a casa ad Agosto, dopo due anni e mezzo passati in Irlanda. prima pero mi sono fermata a Londra, per alcuni giorni, da Pau e il suo marito
returned back home this summer, after two and a half years spent in Ireland. on my way home, i decided to spent a few days with Pau and her husband, in London.

then the "real" summer - with temperatures higher than 22 degrees (much higher indeed), sunshine, blue skies, green warm winds, and my family
e poi - mi sono goduta una "vera" estate, piena di caldo, giornate solari, cielo blue e vento caldo e verde. e con i miei...

e poi - settembre, in compagnia dello liverpoolese. e belle escursioni nei posti dove non sono stata da tempo. e stato bello ri-esserci
then the scouser came to visit, and i´ve been to many places
i have not been for ages. ´t was good to be there again