Tuesday, July 14, 2009

ROME AgAiN - june 2009

evening of Corpus Christi procession, Thursday

with Mark and Barbra, from Manchester. Aren't they lovely? Celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary

with Barbra, after Corpus Christi Mass, before Procession started...
... by the power of the Holy Spirit - - - we all met in Rome, without really planning it! MIQ Fraternity's sisters - Anne and Trish, with Mark and Barbra :-)
This one is OFF (how do I rotate it??) - with Q.T., by St. Peter's
... Roman pavements... from Colloseum to Altare della Patria (a.k.a. Piazza Venezia) - Domenica

on "top" of Altare della Patria (never knew of it but - there is this super extra de luxe BAR!)

in front of Church of Divine Mercy (Chiesa di Santo Spirito??), by St. Peter's
and - Campo de' Fiori... with Giordano Bruno. Or was it the other fella?? Galileo??
before departure, Q.T. and Oana. In a little bar, by St. John in Lateran...