Monday, December 14, 2009
Dec 13, 2009
dalsi rok za nami
o cosi mudrejsia
o cosi realistickejsia
ale stale dufajuca
tak si to uzite
aspon tak ako ja
Monday, December 7, 2009
"LiFe On MaRS"

about a cop, hit by car, awaken back in the 70ties.
sort of interesting.
sort of a good looking main character lad...
and - a lot of similarities to a yorkshire lad i once knew.
being tempted to - ring him up (God deliver!!)
anyway, just have a look yourself and tell me what ya think
missing Yorkshire tonight
(i think it´s a BBC´s drama, starring John Simm as DI Sam Tyler)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
ROMA - amor (nov 2009)
c´est la fin
bim bam bim bam
a na (zabudla som kde...) bol zvonec
a rozpravke ("rozpravke") bol KONIEC
SuMmEr TiMe
ritornata a casa ad Agosto, dopo due anni e mezzo passati in Irlanda. prima pero mi sono fermata a Londra, per alcuni giorni, da Pau e il suo marito
returned back home this summer, after two and a half years spent in Ireland. on my way home, i decided to spent a few days with Pau and her husband, in London.
then the "real" summer - with temperatures higher than 22 degrees (much higher indeed), sunshine, blue skies, green warm winds, and my family
e poi - mi sono goduta una "vera" estate, piena di caldo, giornate solari, cielo blue e vento caldo e verde. e con i miei...
e poi - settembre, in compagnia dello liverpoolese. e belle escursioni nei posti dove non sono stata da tempo. e stato bello ri-esserci
then the scouser came to visit, and i´ve been to many places i have not been for ages. ´t was good to be there again
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
ROME AgAiN - june 2009
with Mark and Barbra, from Manchester. Aren't they lovely? Celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary
with Barbra, after Corpus Christi Mass, before Procession started...
... by the power of the Holy Spirit - - - we all met in Rome, without really planning it! MIQ Fraternity's sisters - Anne and Trish, with Mark and Barbra :-)
This one is OFF (how do I rotate it??) - with Q.T., by St. Peter's
... Roman pavements... from Colloseum to Altare della Patria (a.k.a. Piazza Venezia) - Domenica
on "top" of Altare della Patria (never knew of it but - there is this super extra de luxe BAR!)
in front of Church of Divine Mercy (Chiesa di Santo Spirito??), by St. Peter's
and - Campo de' Fiori... with Giordano Bruno. Or was it the other fella?? Galileo??
before departure, Q.T. and Oana. In a little bar, by St. John in Lateran...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
HOME sweet HOME - or how i travelled to Slovakia to give a second set of lectures and...

and apart from 12 hours of travelling on wednesday (from 3am when i got into a taxi to get me to beweley's hotel to get the aircoach to the airport and board the ryanair flight of 6.05am from dublin to bratislava [ not mentioning i had to get up after 1am to get ready...], to 3pm when i got off the train at 12.10pm from bratislava that got me to ruzomberok) and 12 and a 1/2 hours of travelling on monday (from 2.31am train from ruzomberok to bratislava, to 3pm when i finally got off taxi that brought me home from beweley's hotel where i got from the airport after my flight from bratislava to dublin landed at 12.30-ish)
wednesday evening spent with my mum and dad and my mum's friends who came to visit
thursday morning spent in bed, breakfasting late, running arronds [or do you actually say "erronds"??] around town in the afternoon and having a plate of pasta at "andrea's", getting ready for my friday and saturday trip to kosice
friday mid morning on a train to kosice, before noon discussing terms of my new (God willing) employment, after noon discussing terms and conditions with my personal "financial advisor" (hmmm... dunno!), and later afternoon and early evening at my sis' place, eating, drinking, speaking with her and her hubby and, later on, going for a walk with both of them. concluding by watching "gattacca"
saturday mid morning to half five spent at the university giving lectures on bioethics... and screening gattacca (as a part of lecturing - "let the people breathe, please!!!"), then at my sis' place and then out, with my sis and bro, in a small local "pub", over a half pint of "rezane"...
sunday 10 o'clock Mass with my sis, 12.20 train from kosice to ruzomberok, in bed for two hours, fighting migraine i got after drinking beer on satu night, at night discussing "strategy" with my mum (and dad...), and then getting ready for my early morning start...
monday morning, up at 1am, to catch a train at 2.31, to get me to bratislava at 6.05, to be at teh airport for teh flight from blava to dublin at 10. and you know all the rest...
UFFAAHHH - 6 long days that disappeared in the past before they were really "lived" in present... SHORT BUT GOOD!!! as it is all about the quality, and not quantity, RIGHT???
get ready - am on my way!!!
"I shall return!"
Rome Sweet "Home" or how i made it to the Eternal City at last

quite full and filled with things to do, people to meet, places to go to...
6 days is just NOT ENOUGH for Rome!!!
JPII Institute and its living stones... visited
a wedding feast... attended
6 out of 8 friends... met
a day in bed with a head-ache... spent
a plane flight being missed... witnessed
and photos will come EVENTUALLY
(for those of you who are on FaceBook - you may well check them out on there!!)
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
FEBRUARY 2009 - 10 day holiday that became...
I was to travel home, my mum was to return home - after almost 3 months she's spent over here with me!!!
Yo yo yooo! Long awaited and looked forward to - post-Christmas and pre-Easter visit home!!!
What wa supposed to eb just another of these short stays though, has turned into a month-long "holiday" (in brackets, as it was NOT truly a holiday, ya know?) - first week spent travelling between west and east of country, with occasional stops at home and/or in near-by central-Slovakia towns (so good - I got to meet my classmates, from times long gone - from times when we were all young, stupid [some still are - - - meaning myself, dah!!], and just - so full of hopes and dreams... highschool times), and ended with a - - - FLU... so the second week spent in bed instead... sleeping the fever off first and then looking out of the window, wishing i could get out there and play in that SNOW (it snowing, and snowing, and snowing... a real winter in fact!!!). the week that followed was really just a wait-off time, really really - as there were no flights from BA to DUblin (by that meaning no direct flights, in case you were wondering "ah, really?"), and so - by the time i actually did return to dublin - it was 24 days later, 24 days after i left the irish soil, whole month later insomma!
All my holidays gone, not one single day left to be used in uture months. which means what? i will have to make some time up, get every oportunity to stay longer to help or so - - - so i can make it home in may (when, by the way, i will be giving second set of lectures on bioethicsssss.... God help me!!)
Friday, February 6, 2009
vianoce xtmas natale 2008
Stedry Vecer 2008

Vianocny stromcek "ponekud sverazny" (t.j. listnaty...), ale - lepsie nieco ako nic, no nie?? A bol mily...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
CONNEMARa - "love" of my life... well, one of loves of my life, for SURE!!!
bola som v galway, zase!
s maminkou.
bolo SUPER!!!
po viac ako mesiaci stradani a byvani hore dole, v suterene Dal Riady, na poschodovych posteliach, v domceku bez vody na umyvanie riadu, ci sprchy, nam vam to padlo celkom dobre... coby dobre?!?! VYBORNE!!!
no a tu je par foteciek - tak posuddte sami...
v sobotu, 23. januara, sme sa vybrali na "okruznu" cestu do connemary... tuhla par fotiek...