Thursday, October 30, 2008

October weekends 2 - ZUZU in town

Another october weekend - Sunday 19th and Monday 20th.
Zuzu came to visit, on her way home...
This one, too, was a nice little time, with a nice little friend...

Going to the DART station, heading to town.

Looking into sun... and smilling at life and at pain and at - broken hearts... That, too, shall pass. In the meantime, let's smile and cry together...

Lucia sat under the palm-tree... Or - a flower? Depends on the one who is looking... Does it mean that everything is relative. Yes, it does - everything, indeed, is relative (meaning - in relation to something... :-)))

October weekends - ANDREA in town

Weekend from 10th to 12th of October -
Andrea came to visit.
Had a couple of good days - weather was friendly (not even dublin-like, to both of us joy!!!) and mild, and - in a good weather, and with a friend, even Dublin, Ireland feels different...
Quiet time for writing postcards... ... and a bit less quiet time for strolling through Temple Bar area of Dublin...
... and through St. Stephen's Shopping Mall (Centre)...

... but also - afterwards, when one isi tired and thirsty and hungry - a quiet moment in a local pub, for a cup of tea... tasted sooooo goooood....
This one is what has become a familiar view to more of you, is it?
Lucia in Dun Laoghaire, by the Lighthouse, on a pier...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Millenium Clock in Hebden Bridge. Found it interesting, just like the rest of this small pictoresque village. I actually liked it quite a lot. Good to know it hosts some of those people. And - good to know how to get there and around - woudl be worth going back one day and spend a few days in the hils around... Well, one never knows, life is strange sometimes (well, all the time really), so - "what is not, can well be".
(5) Oak Street.

Innovation. What could it be? A caffee? A restaurant? Whatever it might be, looks nice in that crisp morning light. Very english-like looking, is it?

A little girl was trying to pass in front of me -she was so cute, with her daddy walking with her, so I could not hide a smile on my face. And - a picture sort of turned out well, therefore - Lucia smiling on a little girl, in HB, Yorkshire.

There is an interesting Canal running along the village. Colours were just great. Reminded me a lot of New England back in the USA. Well, I sort of was in England. In the old England, indeed...

... and Canal again. I even saw people living in those house-boats. An interesting individual, smoking his cigarette. Lond curly hair, light coloured eyes, and a nice smile... A painter maybe, or a photographer? Very much a flower-power looking one. Hm :-) I said "hello" to him. He replied "Hello". I found it nice...


Liverpool Christ the King Roman Catholic Cathedral, Mt. Pleasant. Quite impressive, is it? Even more so inside (took some pics, but they were nothing good, so if you will you may well just go and try to google it - might get better shots). Its acoustics - great. Shoudl go and see (and hear) for yourselves... The solemn Mass takes place on Sundays, at 11am. Anytime...

Lucia AFTER the Mass at the Cathedral, and while waiting for Steven "Hopkirk" man - her liverpool friend (cute English-young-man, blue-eyed and a good cook, too!!!), who's been only just a few minutes (yeah, right) late... But - at least I was able to enjoy the sunshine and the wind around the church... 't was a nice Sunday noon time, indeed...

Will have to go again - Liverpool (or as a friend of mine, Ben, has called it - "LOVERpool") is a nice city, much nicer than I have anticipated. Now, with a friend in town, I can always sort of do it, right? Did not get to see much this time, did not have much time to wander around, BUT this is at least to have you believeing me that I, indeed, have made it to Liverpool - its trainstaion (Lime Street, from Oxford Road in Manchester - an interesting train ride in the morning on SUnday, but that would be another story...)



almondbury church, good old and familiar view of it. i missed it. and i will. hm, c'est la vie though, right?

no comment...

from the road leading to the castle hill... see what the day was like? sad and misty, but - it had something about it that made it feel - warmish, almost human-like... i always liked yorkshire scenery... hm hmm hmmm

from almondury circular... on my way to the train station

hUdDeRsFiEld YoRkShiRE

Coming out of the Sports shop - the one I always liked going to... Almost got myself a fleece on Saturday (as it got really cool by noon...). You see? Huddersfield - really not much to see around, I tried to find some finer spots to take a pic of, but... no success... Anyway, it's just the way this town is - not too attractive, and quite tired looking. Hm...
THis is a lovely lunch I had at Breads - a place I have eaten at ones before. I remembered their jacket potatoes were good so - returned this time, too. Enjoyed it quite a lot (as a matter of fact, I had not have to eat until Sunday morning... it truly WAS a great lunch then, was it???)

... and leaving the town... "Ciao Bella" is saying good bye to me... yeah right, it's been 4 years already, it is time to - leave...

HILTON chambers and Man(chester)

No - tak toto bola izba v ktorej som mala "zakladnu" pocas celeho 4-dnoveho pobytu - v Hilton Chambers, na Hilton Street 15, Mancehster. Ciste, nove, dost studene, ale to neva...

Toto je pohlad od dveri - spat som mala na vrchnej posteli, ale potom soto uhovorila na spodnu... Izbicka bola fajn, len jedbu mala chybu - ze tam neboli ziadne stolicky...

Toto je Lucia po prvom dni stravenom v Manchester-i. Samucicka sama v izbe, ziadne chrapoty ani nic take... Tesivsia sa zo zivota!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

my latest UK visit

Ahojte doma!
AKuratne som stratila asi pol strany textu opisujuceho moje potulky ANglickom pocas mojej poslednej navsevy a preto to nejdem vsetko znovu pisat - resp. - nie tak podrobne.
Bola som od 24-ho do 27-ho oktobra (piatok-pondelok; v pondelok tu v Irsku bol Bank Holiday, takze volno a to preto som sa na potulky svetom vybrala, a aj preto lebo letenky boli super lacne), zakladna v jednom hosteli v Manchester-i, a potom po okoli...
V piatok docestovala, ulozila sa a porozhliadala. Super pocasie!
V sobotu - Huddersfield a Almondbury, bankove zalezitosti a nejake post-srdcove, tiez... hm hm hm... ani pocasiu sa to moc nevidelo, ale - uprimne - mne sa to videlo, a mi to trebalo.
V nedelu - Liverpool... Vlakom do mesta, potom na omsu v katedrale, potom stretko s Hopkirkom (to je ako ho nasi doma nazvali - t.j. Stevenom, kamaratom s web-u), cajik pri rieke Mersey (sledujuc prvy polcas zapasu Liverpool-... som zabudla), potom cez prestavku na Matthew Street po stopach Beatles-u (velmo rychlo!!!), potom druhy polcas v bare v meste. Liverpool vyhral 1-0, a ja som videla ako sa Anglicania bavia v nedelu poobede... Potom vlakom spat do Manchester-u, kino s Benom (dalsi znamy z web-u) a potom aj vecera a' la italiana. Den bol zpociatku zatiahnuty, ale sa casom vycasilo a bolo krasne. Liverpool sa mi paci.
V pondelok - vypratala som sa z hostela, vybrala som sa do Hebden Bridge-a... nejakych "demonov" vyplasit, na furt. Pekny den. Pekne mestecko. Vlastne - kraaasne mestecko... Farby ako v Novom Anglicku (vychodne pobrezie USA)... Bol- fajn... A poobede po meste Manchester-i, a potom neskory obed, a vlakom podvecer na letisko, cakanie asi 3 hodinky, nicnerobiac a potom let do DUblina. Navrat domov asi 15 minut po polnoci... A v utorok rano - DO PRACE...
Hm - takze tak.
Kazde z miest co som navstivila ide byt opisane samostatne (aj s fotkami).

Friday, October 10, 2008


a brunette now :-)

no worries, it's not about a broken heart or about a mega change in her life - it is about - - - the wedding...???

p.s.: those spectakles are truly filthy, are they? hmmm...