Wednesday, December 17, 2008

HiTTiNg 35...

So - another year is gone, another year is "compiuto" - it is on Saturday the 13th that I turned 35... Can you believe it? And first days of the 36th year of my earthly existence begun to flow by... Saturday was a lovely day. It started with mum and myself sleeping in... (he he he), then having a late (and abundant!!!) breakfast, and going downtown Dublin then. Once there, we went to the Whitefriars' Church, where I made it to confession, and we then prayed in thanksgiving - my mum for me, and I - for the gift of parents and of life... We also managed to pray to St. Valentine (who's remains are kept in this particular church) - that he may help me to find a - - - a him for me, so that I don't have to spend the other 35 years of my life all alone and sad, right? He said he'd take care of it. And I do belive him... Hmmm. Strolled thru the town then, saw a few great shop windows, got a cup of hot Butler's Chocolate and - headed home.... And - actually - gota few pictures, too, for all of you to see, so - here they go. HAVE A GOOD ONE and THANKS FOR BEING!!!
Sunny afternoon in Blackrock. On our way to the DART station.

After confessions, and my fervent prayers to St. Valentine...

By White Friars' Church. Aren't we just lovely???

Oh, eternal kids - my mum and I... But, would you not want a house like one of these? FOr real or at least a doll house? I would not mind at all... a matter of fact, this is how I will be living, one day (before I die... keep dreaming...)

just so...

autoportrait - again...

Monday, November 17, 2008

MaRRied now - sPoSaTa - VYDATAAA

No tak takto sa to v sobotu zacalo (to myslim tu oficialnejsiu cast, ved neoficialna cast sa zacala uz hadam par dni dopredu...)
Palka sa schovava za chrbtom svojho svokra - to aby sa zistilo, ci ma Martin dobre hladacie schopnosti...
... nuz tak asi ma... ako vidite, uz sa na seba (resp. na mna) ZUBIA...
A tot - fotka po svadobnom obrade... Nemam lepsiu, pretoze som svedcila a teda som nemohla aj fotiti, ale - co nie je moze byt a - BUDE, preto nestracajte nadej, budu este aj dalsie fotky. Ze kedy? Nuz to je sice zaujimava odpoved, ale v tejto chvili nezodpovedatelna, preto... just, keep the faith!!
A toto je zo svadobnej veselice.
Ocko, maminka, Palka - NEVESTA - a tri krasne druzickovske slecnie...
A tu opat - rodicia a Palka...
... a tu nevesta s ockom...
... a tu sa kraja TORTAAAAAAAA.... mnam...
... a tu?
Nuz tu sme my, traja to surodenci -
Lucia - David - Palka
Bolo super!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

MOJA SESTRA - sorella mia - mY sIsTeR

sa vydava...
si sposa...
is getting married...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

"me" first - kissssss :-)

only just remembered
(while sat in a pew, during the Mass today)
that it was on november 2nd
(4 years ago, by the way, in 2004, and,
by the way, it was in italy, in orvieto to be precise :-)
that i got my -
- sorry -
"me" first "x"

made me - smile

hovorim ze som si dnes v kostoliku spomenula,
ze presne pred 4-mi rokmi
v krasnom talianskom mestecku orvieto,
som dostala moju prvu co?
"x" (no - pusu)

a hovorim ze som sa - usmievala

Thursday, October 30, 2008

October weekends 2 - ZUZU in town

Another october weekend - Sunday 19th and Monday 20th.
Zuzu came to visit, on her way home...
This one, too, was a nice little time, with a nice little friend...

Going to the DART station, heading to town.

Looking into sun... and smilling at life and at pain and at - broken hearts... That, too, shall pass. In the meantime, let's smile and cry together...

Lucia sat under the palm-tree... Or - a flower? Depends on the one who is looking... Does it mean that everything is relative. Yes, it does - everything, indeed, is relative (meaning - in relation to something... :-)))

October weekends - ANDREA in town

Weekend from 10th to 12th of October -
Andrea came to visit.
Had a couple of good days - weather was friendly (not even dublin-like, to both of us joy!!!) and mild, and - in a good weather, and with a friend, even Dublin, Ireland feels different...
Quiet time for writing postcards... ... and a bit less quiet time for strolling through Temple Bar area of Dublin...
... and through St. Stephen's Shopping Mall (Centre)...

... but also - afterwards, when one isi tired and thirsty and hungry - a quiet moment in a local pub, for a cup of tea... tasted sooooo goooood....
This one is what has become a familiar view to more of you, is it?
Lucia in Dun Laoghaire, by the Lighthouse, on a pier...